Transform Node
Returns the result of transforming the input value (In) from one coordinate space to another. Select dropdown options on the node to define which spaces to transform from and to.
Name | Direction | Type | Description |
In | Input | Vector 3 | Input value |
Out | Output | Vector 3 | Output value |
Name | Type | Options | Description |
From | Dropdown | Object, View, World, Tangent, Absolute World, Screen | Select the space to convert from. |
To | Dropdown | Object, View, World, Tangent, Absolute World, Screen | Select the space to convert to. |
Type | Dropdown | Position, Direction, Normal | Select how you want to handle the conversion. |
Node Settings Controls
The following control appears on the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector when you select the Direction or Normal conversion types for the Transform Node. The Normalize Output setting helps to improve performance as you can disable it if the output is already normalized, or if you don't need the output to remain normalized.
Name | Type | Description |
Normalize Output | Checkbox | Reduces the length of the output vector to 1. |
World and Absolute World
Use the World and Absolute World space options to transform the coordinate space of position values. The World space option uses the Scriptable Render Pipeline default world space to convert position values. The Absolute World space option uses absolute world space to convert position values in all Scriptable Render Pipelines.
If you use the Transform Node to convert coordinate spaces that aren't for position values, Unity recommends that you use the World space option. Using Absolute World on values that don't represent position might result in unexpected behavior.
Conversion type
Select the Position type to apply translation to the transformation. Select Direction if the input doesn't describe a surface normal (the direction a surface faces). Select Normal if the input describes a surface normal (the direction the surface faces).
Generated Code Example
The following example code represents one possible outcome of this node per Base mode.
World > World
float3 _Transform_Out = In;
World > Object
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToObject(In);
World > Tangent
float3x3 tangentTransform_World = float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal);
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToTangent(In, tangentTransform_World);
World > View
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToView(In)
World > Absolute World
float3 _Transform_Out = GetAbsolutePositionWS(In);
Object > World
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformObjectToWorld(In);
Object > Object
float3 _Transform_Out = In;
Object > Tangent
float3x3 tangentTransform_World = float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal);
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToTangent(TransformObjectToWorld(In), tangentTransform_World);
Object > View
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToView(TransformObjectToWorld(In));
Object > Absolute World
float3 _Transform_Out = GetAbsolutePositionWS(TransformObjectToWorld(In));
Tangent > World
float3x3 transposeTangent = transpose(float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal));
float3 _Transform_Out = mul(In, transposeTangent).xyz;
Tangent > Object
float3x3 transposeTangent = transpose(float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal));
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToObject(mul(In, transposeTangent).xyz);
Tangent > Tangent
float3 _Transform_Out = In;
Tangent > View
float3x3 transposeTangent = transpose(float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal));
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToView(mul(In, transposeTangent).xyz);
Tangent > Absolute World
float3x3 transposeTangent = transpose(float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal));
float3 _Transform_Out = GetAbsolutePositionWS(mul(In, transposeTangent)).xyz;
View > World
float3 _Transform_Out = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V, float4(In, 1)).xyz;
View > Object
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToObject(mul(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V, float4(In, 1) ).xyz);
View > Tangent
float3x3 tangentTransform_World = float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal);
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToTangent(mul(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V, float4(In, 1) ).xyz, tangentTransform_World);
View > View
float3 _Transform_Out = In;
View > Absolute World
float3 _Transform_Out = GetAbsolutePositionWS(mul(UNITY_MATRIX_I_V, float4(In, 1))).xyz;
Absolute World > World
float3 _Transform_Out = GetCameraRelativePositionWS(In);
Absolute World > Object
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToObject(In);
Absolute World > Object (in the High Definition Render Pipeline)
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToObject(GetCameraRelativePositionWS(In));
Absolute World > Tangent
float3x3 tangentTransform_World = float3x3(IN.WorldSpaceTangent, IN.WorldSpaceBiTangent, IN.WorldSpaceNormal);
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToTangent(In, tangentTransform_World);
Absolute World > View
float3 _Transform_Out = TransformWorldToView(In)
Absolute World > Absolute World
float3 _Transform_Out = In;