Class Channel3DProperties
Properties to control the 3D effects applied to audio in positional channels.
Inherited Members
Namespace: VivoxUnity
Assembly: VivoxUnity.dll
public sealed class Channel3DProperties
A default constructor that sets fields to their suggested values.
public Channel3DProperties()
Channel3DProperties(int, int, float, AudioFadeModel)
A constructor that sets all 3D channel properties. For information on recommended values for different 3D scenarios, refer to the Vivox Developer Documentation.
public Channel3DProperties(int audibleDistance, int conversationalDistance, float audioFadeIntensityByDistanceaudio, AudioFadeModel audioFadeModel)
Type | Name | Description |
int | audibleDistance | The maximum distance from the listener that a speaker can be heard. Must be > 0 |
int | conversationalDistance | The distance from the listener within which a speaker’s voice is heard at its original volume. Must be >= 0 and <= audibleDistance. |
float | audioFadeIntensityByDistanceaudio | The strength of the audio fade effect as the speaker moves away from the listener. Must be >= 0. This value is rounded to three decimal places. |
Audio |
audioFadeModel | The model used to determine voice volume at different distances. |
The maximum distance from the listener that a speaker can be heard.
public int AudibleDistance { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
Any players within this distance from you in any direction appear in the same positional voice channel as you and can be heard. When a player crosses this threshold distance from your perspective, an IChannelSession event fires: either EventParticipantAdded when a player comes within this distance, or EventParticipantLeft when a player moves beyond this distance. You stop receiving audio from participants beyond this range, even before the participant left event is called, but are guaranteed to receive the added event before receiving audio. The value of this property is measured in arbitrary “distance units,” so it can be set to any scale and does not need to conform to any real units. The default value is 2700.
The strength of the audio fade effect as the speaker moves away from the listener past the conversational distance. For example: .5=half strength, 1=normal strength, 2=double strength.
public float AudioFadeIntensityByDistance { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
float |
This parameter is a scalar used in the audio fade calculations as either a constant multiplier or an exponent, depending on the audioFadeModel value. Accordingly, this scales the result of the audio attenuation at different distances, as determined by the model's formula. A value greater than 1.0 results in audio that fades quicker as you move away from the conversational distance, and a value less than 1.0 results in audio that fades slower. The default value is 1.0.
The model that determines how loud a voice is at different distances.
public AudioFadeModel AudioFadeModel { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Audio |
Voice heard within the conversationalDistance is at the original speaking volume, and voice from speakers past the audibleDistance is no longer transmitted. The loudness of the audio at every other distance within this range is controlled by one of three possible audio fade models. The default value is InverseByDistance, which is the most realistic.
- InverseByDistance - Fades voice quickly at first, but slows down as you get further from the conversational distance. - The attenuation increases in inverse proportion to the distance. - This option models real life acoustics and sounds the most natural.
- LinearByDistance - Fades voice slowly at first, but speeds up as you get further from the conversational distance. - The attenuation increases in linear proportion to the distance. - The audioFadeIntensityByDistance factor is the negative slope of the attenuation curve. - This option can be thought of as a compromise between realistic acoustics and a radio channel with no distance attenuation.
- ExponentialByDistance - Fades voice extremely quickly beyond the conversational distance + 1. - The attenuation increases in inverse proportion to the distance raised to the power of the audioFadeIntensityByDistance factor. - This shares a curve shape similar to realistic attenuation, but allows for much steeper rolloff. - Use this option to apply a "cocktail party effect" to the audio space; by tuning the audioFadeIntensityByDistance, this model allows nearby participants to be understandable while mixing farther participants’ conversation into non-intrusive chatter.
The distance from the listener within which a speaker’s voice is heard at its original volume, and beyond which the speaker's voice begins to fade.
public int ConversationalDistance { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
This property is measured in arbitrary “distance units,” but should use the same scale as audibleDistance. Your 3D audio experience sounds the most realistic when the value of this property is set to half the height of a typical player avatar in your game. For near-human-sized entities, this means about 1 meter, 90 centimeters, or 3 feet. The default value is 90.
Create a 3D positional URI from the values of the member variables.
public override string ToString()
Type | Description |
string | A string embedded with member variable values that are formatted to fit the design of a positional channel's URI. |