Class Ops
Represents an object for carrying out tensor operations.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Sentis
Assembly: solution.dll
public abstract class Ops : IDisposable
Name | Description |
Ops(Backend |
Instantiates and returns an |
Name | Description |
backend |
The backend type for the operation execution. |
Name | Description |
Abs(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Abs(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Acos(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Acosh(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Add(float, Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Add(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Add(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Add(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
And(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Arg |
Computes the indices of the maximum elements of the input tensor along a given axis. |
Arg |
Computes the indices of the maximum elements of the input tensor along a given axis. |
Arg |
Computes the indices of the minimum elements of the input tensor along a given axis. |
Arg |
Computes the indices of the minimum elements of the input tensor along a given axis. |
Asin(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Asinh(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Atan(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Atanh(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Average |
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the mean values of the input tensor across its spatial dimensions according to the given pool and stride values. |
Bernoulli(Tensor |
Generates an output tensor with values 0 or 1 from a Bernoulli distribution. The input tensor contains the probabilities to use for generating the output values. |
Cast(Tensor, Data |
Computes the output tensor using an element-wise |
Ceil(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Celu(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Clip(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Clip(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Concat(Tensor[], int) | Calculates an output tensor by concatenating the input tensors along a given axis. |
Constant |
Generates a tensor with a given shape filled with a given value. |
Constant |
Generates a tensor with a given shape filled with a given value. |
Conv(Tensor |
Applies a convolution filter to an input tensor. |
Conv |
Applies a transpose convolution filter to an input tensor. |
Copy<T>(T) | Creates a copy of a given input tensor with the same shape and values. |
Cos(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Cosh(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Cum |
Performs the cumulative sum along a given axis. |
Cum |
Performs the cumulative sum along a given axis. |
Dense(Tensor |
Performs a matrix multiplication operation: f(X, w, b) = X x W + B. This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Depth |
Computes the output tensor by permuting data from depth into blocks of spatial data. |
Dispose() | Disposes of the |
Div(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Div(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Div(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Elu(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Equal(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Equal(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Erf(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Exp(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Expand<T>(T, Tensor |
Calculates an output tensor by broadcasting the input tensor into a given shape. |
FMod(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend, as in C#. This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
FMod(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend, as in C#. This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Floor(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Gather |
Takes values from the input tensor indexed by the indices tensor along a given axis and concatenates them. |
Gather |
Takes slices of values from the batched input tensor indexed by the |
Gather<T>(T, Tensor |
Takes values from the input tensor indexed by the indices tensor along a given axis and concatenates them. |
Gelu(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Global |
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the mean values of the input tensor across all of its spatial dimensions. The spatial dimensions of the output are size 1. |
Global |
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the maximum values of the input tensor across all of its spatial dimensions. The spatial dimensions of the output are size 1. |
Greater(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Greater(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Greater |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Greater |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Hard |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Hard |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Hardmax(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the |
Instance |
Computes the mean variance on the spatial dimensions of the input tensor and normalizes them according to |
Is |
Performs an element-wise |
Is |
Performs an element-wise |
LRN(Tensor |
Normalizes the input tensor over local input regions. |
Layer |
Computes the mean variance on the last dimension of the input tensor and normalizes it according to |
Leaky |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Less(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Less(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Less |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Less |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Log(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Log |
Computes an output tensor by applying the |
Mad(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Mat |
Performs a multi-dimensional matrix multiplication operation: f(a, b) = a x b. |
Mat |
Performs a matrix multiplication operation with optional transposes: f(a, b) = a' x b'. |
Max(params Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Max(params Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Max |
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the maximum values of the input tensor across its spatial dimensions according to the given pool and stride values. |
Mean(params Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Min(params Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Min(params Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Mod(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise The sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the divisor, as in Python. This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Mul(float, Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Mul(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Mul(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Mul(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Multinomial(Tensor |
Represents a |
Neg(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Neg(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Not(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
One |
Generates a one-hot tensor with a given |
Or(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
PRelu(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Pad(Tensor |
Calculates the output tensor by adding padding to the input tensor according to the given padding values and mode. |
Pow(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Pow(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Random |
Generates an output tensor of a given shape with random values in a normal distribution with given |
Random |
Generates an output tensor of a given shape with random values in a uniform distribution between a given |
Range(int, int, int) | Generates a 1D output tensor where the values form an arithmetic progression defined by the |
Range(float, float, float) | Generates a 1D output tensor where the values form an arithmetic progression defined by the |
Reciprocal(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Reduce |
Reduces an input tensor along the given axes using the |
Relu(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Relu6(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Reshape<T>(T, Tensor |
Calculates an output tensor by copying the data from the input tensor and using a given shape. The data from the input tensor is unchanged. |
Resize(Tensor |
Calculates an output tensor by resampling the input tensor along the spatial dimensions with given scales. |
Roi |
Calculates an output tensor by pooling the input tensor across each region of interest given by the |
Round(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise If the fractional part is equal to 0.5, rounds to the nearest even integer. |
Scale |
Computes the output tensor with an element-wise |
Scatter |
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the
Scatter |
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the
Scatter |
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the
Selu(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Set<T>(T, T, int, int, int) | Updates values of A with values from B similar to setting a slice in numpy. A[..., start:end, ....] = B This returns a new tensor rather than working on A in-place. This supports numpy-style one-directional broadcasting of B into A. |
Shrink(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Sigmoid(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Sign(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Sign(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Sin(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Sinh(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Slice<T>(T, Read |
Calculates an output tensor by slicing the input tensor along given axes with given starts, ends, and steps. |
Softmax(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the |
Softplus(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Softsign(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Space |
Computes the output tensor by permuting data from blocks of spatial data into depth. |
Split<T>(T, int, int, int) | Calculates an output tensor by splitting the input tensor along a given axis between start and end. |
Sqrt(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Square(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Sub(float, Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Sub(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Sub(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Sub(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Sum(params Tensor |
Performs an element-wise This supports numpy-style broadcasting of input tensors. |
Swish(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Tan(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Tanh(Tensor |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Thresholded |
Computes an output tensor by applying the element-wise |
Tile<T>(T, Read |
Calculates an output tensor by repeating the input layer a given number of times along each axis. |
Top |
Calculates the top-K largest or smallest elements of an input tensor along a given axis. |
Transpose<T>(T) | Calculates an output tensor by reversing the dimensions of the input tensor. |
Transpose<T>(T, int[]) | Calculates an output tensor by permuting the axes and data of the input tensor according to the given permutations. |
Tril<T>(T, int) | Computes the output tensor by retaining the lower triangular values from an input matrix or matrix batch and setting the other values to zero. |
Triu<T>(T, int) | Computes the output tensor by retaining the upper triangular values from an input matrix or matrix batch and setting the other values to zero. |
Where<T>(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |
Xor(Tensor |
Performs an element-wise |