Method ScatterND
ScatterND(TensorFloat, TensorInt, TensorFloat, TensorFloat, ScatterReductionMode)
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the indices
tensor with values specified by the updates
updates the values depending on the reduction mode used.
public override void ScatterND(TensorFloat X, TensorInt indices, TensorFloat updates, TensorFloat O, ScatterReductionMode reduction)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor |
updates | The updates tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Scatter |
reduction | The reduction mode used to update the values as a |
ScatterND(TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt, TensorInt, ScatterReductionMode)
Copies the input tensor and updates values at indexes specified by the indices
tensor with values specified by the updates
updates the values depending on the reduction mode used.
public override void ScatterND(TensorInt X, TensorInt indices, TensorInt updates, TensorInt O, ScatterReductionMode reduction)
Type | Name | Description |
Tensor |
X | The input tensor. |
Tensor |
indices | The indices tensor. |
Tensor |
updates | The updates tensor. |
Tensor |
O | The output tensor to be computed and filled. |
Scatter |
reduction | The reduction mode used to update the values as a |