Float objects on a water surface
You can add buoyancy to the water simulation with a script that queries the height of the water surface.
To do this:
Enable Script Interactions in the water surface you want to query.
Use the
struct to get the height of the water.
Example: Float one object
This is an example script to float one object on a water surface.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;
public class FitToWaterSurface : MonoBehaviour
public WaterSurface targetSurface = null;
// Internal search params
WaterSearchParameters searchParameters = new WaterSearchParameters();
WaterSearchResult searchResult = new WaterSearchResult();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (targetSurface != null)
// Build the search parameters
searchParameters.startPositionWS = searchResult.candidateLocationWS;
searchParameters.targetPositionWS = gameObject.transform.position;
searchParameters.error = 0.01f;
searchParameters.maxIterations = 8;
// Do the search
if (targetSurface.ProjectPointOnWaterSurface(searchParameters, out searchResult))
gameObject.transform.position = searchResult.projectedPositionWS;
else Debug.LogError("Can't Find Projected Position");
Example: Float several objects
This is an example script to float an array of objects on a water surface using the Burst compiler.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Unity.Collections;
using Unity.Jobs;
using Unity.Mathematics;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering.HighDefinition;
public class FitToWaterSurface_Burst : MonoBehaviour
// Public parameters
public int resolution = 50;
public WaterSurface waterSurface = null;
// List of internal cubes
List<GameObject> cubes = new List<GameObject>();
// Input job parameters
NativeArray<float3> targetPositionBuffer;
// Output job parameters
NativeArray<float> errorBuffer;
NativeArray<float3> candidatePositionBuffer;
NativeArray<float3> projectedPositionWSBuffer;
NativeArray<float3> normalWSBuffer;
NativeArray<float3> directionBuffer;
NativeArray<int> stepCountBuffer;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Allocate the buffers
targetPositionBuffer = new NativeArray<float3>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
errorBuffer = new NativeArray<float>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
candidatePositionBuffer = new NativeArray<float3>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
projectedPositionWSBuffer = new NativeArray<float3>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
normalWSBuffer = new NativeArray<float3>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
directionBuffer = new NativeArray<float3>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
stepCountBuffer = new NativeArray<int>(resolution * resolution, Allocator.Persistent);
for (int y = 0; y < resolution; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < resolution; ++x)
GameObject newCube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
newCube.transform.parent = this.transform;
newCube.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(x * 5, 0.0f, y * 5);
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (waterSurface == null)
// Try to get the simulation data if available
WaterSimSearchData simData = new WaterSimSearchData();
if (!waterSurface.FillWaterSearchData(ref simData))
// Fill the input positions
int numElements = resolution * resolution;
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
targetPositionBuffer[i] = cubes[i].transform.position;
// Prepare the first band
WaterSimulationSearchJob searchJob = new WaterSimulationSearchJob();
// Assign the simulation data
searchJob.simSearchData = simData;
// Fill the input data
searchJob.targetPositionWSBuffer = targetPositionBuffer;
searchJob.startPositionWSBuffer = targetPositionBuffer;
searchJob.maxIterations = 8;
searchJob.error = 0.01f;
searchJob.includeDeformation = true;
searchJob.excludeSimulation = false;
searchJob.errorBuffer = errorBuffer;
searchJob.candidateLocationWSBuffer = candidatePositionBuffer;
searchJob.projectedPositionWSBuffer = projectedPositionWSBuffer;
searchJob.normalWSBuffer = normalWSBuffer;
searchJob.directionBuffer = directionBuffer;
searchJob.stepCountBuffer = stepCountBuffer;
// Schedule the job with one Execute per index in the results array and only 1 item per processing batch
JobHandle handle = searchJob.Schedule(numElements, 1);
// Fill the input positions
for (int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i)
cubes[i].transform.position = projectedPositionWSBuffer[i];
private void OnDestroy()