Class ReloadAttribute
The Reload
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Rendering
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.Runtime.dll
public sealed class ReloadAttribute : Attribute
This attribute is designed for use in the Unity Editor and has no effect at runtime.
While ResourceReloader was originally created for handling Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP) resources, it has been replaced by Unity
This shows how to use the attribute in the expected scenario. This is particularly useful for content creators. Adding a new field to a class that defines an asset results in null values for existing instances missing the field in their serialized data. Therefore, when a new field is added, a system for reloading null values may be necessary.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class MyResourcesAsset : ScriptableObject
public Shader blit;
// Added in version 2
public Shader betterBlit;
public static class MyResourceHandler
public static MyResourcesAsset GetAndReload()
var resources = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath<MyResourcesAsset>("MyResources.asset");
// Ensure that update of the data layout of MyResourcesAsset
// will not result in null value for asset already existing.
// (e.g.: added betterBlit in the case above)
ResourceReloader.ReloadAllNullIn(resources, "Packages/");
return resources;
ReloadAttribute(string, int, int, Package)
Creates a new Reload
public ReloadAttribute(string pathFormat, int rangeMin, int rangeMax, ReloadAttribute.Package package = Package.Root)
Type | Name | Description |
string | pathFormat | The format used for the path |
int | rangeMin | The array start index (inclusive) |
int | rangeMax | The array end index (exclusive) |
Reload |
package | The lookup method |
This example demonstrates handling arrays with resource paths that share a common format, differing only by an index.
using UnityEngine;
public class MyResourcesAsset : ScriptableObject
// The following will seek for resources:
// - Texture/FilmGrain/Thin1.png
// - Texture/FilmGrain/Thin2.png
// - Texture/FilmGrain/Thin3.png
[ResourcePaths("Texture/FilmGrain/Thin{0}.png", 1, 4)]
public Texture[] thinGrains;
See Also
ReloadAttribute(string, Package)
Creates a new Reload
public ReloadAttribute(string path, ReloadAttribute.Package package = Package.Root)
Type | Name | Description |
string | path | Search path |
Reload |
package | The lookup method |
This example shows how to directly specify the path of an asset.
using UnityEngine;
public class MyResourcesAsset : ScriptableObject
public Shader blit;
See Also
ReloadAttribute(string[], Package)
Creates a new Reload
public ReloadAttribute(string[] paths, ReloadAttribute.Package package = Package.Root)
Type | Name | Description |
string[] | paths | Search paths |
Reload |
package | The lookup method |
This example demonstrates how to handle arrays with different resource paths.
using UnityEngine;
public class MyResourcesAsset : ScriptableObject
public Texture[] filmGrains;
See Also
The lookup method.
public readonly ReloadAttribute.Package package
Field Value
Type | Description |
Reload |
See Also
Search paths.
public readonly string[] paths
Field Value
Type | Description |
string[] |