Interface IRasterRenderGraphBuilder
A builder for a raster render pass AddRasterRenderPass<PassData>(string, out PassData, string, int)
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering.RenderGraphModule
Assembly: Unity.RenderPipelines.Core.Runtime.dll
public interface IRasterRenderGraphBuilder : IBaseRenderGraphBuilder, IDisposable
Name | Description |
SetRenderFunc<PassData>(BaseRenderFunc<PassData, RasterGraphContext>) | Specify the render function to use for this pass. A call to this is mandatory for the pass to be valid. |
UseTextureFragment(TextureHandle, int, AccessFlags) | Use the texture as an rendertarget/renderpass attachment.
Indicate this pass will write a texture on the current fragment position and sample index through MRT writes.
The graph will automatically bind the texture as an MRT output on the indicated index slot.
Write in shader as float4 out : SV_Target{index} = value; This texture always needs to be written as an
render target (SV_Targetx) writing using other methods (like |
UseTextureFragmentDepth(TextureHandle, AccessFlags) | Use the texture as a depth buffer for the Z-Buffer hardware. Note you can only test-against and write-to a single depth texture in a pass. If you want to write depth to more than one texture you will need to register the second texture as WriteTextureFragment and manually calculate and write the depth value in the shader. Calling UseTextureFragmentDepth twice on the same builder is an error. Write: Indicate a texture will be written with the current fragment depth by the ROPs (but not for depth reading (i.e. z-test == always)). Read: Indicate a texture will be used as an input for the depth testing unit. |