About the ProBuilder Scripting API
ProBuilder provides a Scripting API for C#, which you can use to extend the ProBuilder tools and windows. It includes these namespaces:
- Unity
Editor. provides classes and enums for Unity editor integration. Use them to extend ProBuilder menus, windows, toolbars, and Mesh operations that are only available through the ProBuilder windows and tools.Pro Builder - Unity
Engine. provides classes, structs, and enums for compiling Meshes. Use them to access a lot of core ProBuilder functionality, such as creating Meshes, dealing with events, and some math functions.Pro Builder - Unity
Engine. provides classes for Mesh editing. Use them to manipulate ProBuilder Meshes, including topology and I/0 operations.Pro Builder. Mesh Operations
All Mesh creation and editing functionality is restricted to the UnityEngine.ProBuilder
libraries, which are both available at run time.
ProBuilder stores Mesh data in a component (Pro
stores the following Mesh information:
Smoothing group
Auto/Manual UVs
Note: ProBuilder can automatically UV unwrap triangles on a per-face basis. You can toggle this feature with the Face class. In addition, users can unwrap faces manually.
Tangent (if user set)
UV3/4 (if user set)
Shared indices (also called common vertices)
Normals, tangents, collisions, and UVs are calculated as necessary.
Create a Mesh
This example demonstrates how to build a simple quad with the ProBuilder API (not with the Shape
// Create a new quad facing forward.
ProBuilderMesh quad = ProBuilderMesh.Create(
new Vector3[] {
new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f),
new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f),
new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f),
new Vector3(1f, 1f, 0f)
new Face[] { new Face(new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, 2 } )
} );
Modify a Mesh
Modifying a ProBuilder Mesh is different from modifying a Unity Mesh: instead of working with MeshFilter.sharedMesh you work with the ProBuilder representation of the Mesh: Pro
The basics are the same: set vertex positions, modify triangles (faces in ProBuilder), then rebuild the mesh. For example, to move the vertices up on that quad from the previous example:
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.ProBuilder;
using UnityEditor.ProBuilder;
public class MoveVertices : MonoBehaviour
void Start()
var cube = ShapeGenerator.CreateShape(ShapeType.Cube);
// Move one face on the cube along the direction of its normal
Vertex[] vertices = cube.GetVertices();
Face face = cube.faces[0];
Vector3 normal = Math.Normal(cube, face);
// A face is a collection of triangles, stored in the indexes array. Because mesh geometry requires that seams
// be inserted at points where normals, UVs, or other vertex attributes differ we use GetCoincidentVertices to
// collect all vertices at a common position.
// To see the difference, try replacing `cube.GetCoincidentVertices` with just `face.dinstinctIndexes`.
foreach(var index in cube.GetCoincidentVertices(face.indexes))
vertices[index].position += normal;
// Rebuild the triangle and submesh arrays, and apply vertex positions and submeshes to `MeshFilter.sharedMesh`.
// Recalculate UVs, Normals, Tangents, Collisions, then apply to Unity Mesh.
// If in Editor, generate UV2 and collapse duplicate vertices.
EditorMeshUtility.Optimize(cube, true);
// At runtime, `EditorMeshUtility` is not available. To collapse duplicate
// vertices in runtime, modify the MeshFilter.sharedMesh directly.
// Note that any subsequent changes to `quad` will overwrite the sharedMesh.
var umesh = cube.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh;
Note that you should never directly modify the MeshFilter.sharedMesh
. ProBuilder controls updating the Unity Mesh with Pro