To customize Polybrush, access the Preferences window:
- Navigate to Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Unity > Preferences (macOS) from the main menu in Unity and click the Polybrush category on the left pane.
The following table describes each setting available for the Polybrush tool:
Setting: | Description: |
Hide Wireframe | Enable this setting to hide the wireframe of the object underneath the brush (that is, the object the brush is currently hovering over) while painting. The wireframe sometimes makes it hard to see the surface's true shape, so enable this setting to help with detailed modeling and editing. This setting takes precedence even if you set the Shading mode to Wireframe. |
Inner Brush Color | Set the color for the inner ring of the brush and any vertices that appear within. This makes it easier to see where you are making the strongest changes. For example, if you enabled the Sculpt mode, and set its strength (sculpting power) to 1, Polybrush fully modifies everything that appears with this color. |
Brush Gradient | Set the color for the falloff on the outer ring of the brush and any vertices that appear within. This makes it easier to see the difference in strength radiating outward from the inner radius to the edge of the outer radius. |
Rebuild Normals | Enable this setting to auto-rebuild Mesh normals while editing. When you enable this setting, every time you make a modification to the Mesh, Polybrush recalculates the normals. |
Rebuild MeshCollider | Enable this setting to auto-rebuild the MeshCollider while editing. When you enable this setting, every time you make a modification to the Mesh, Polybrush recalculates the collider bounds. |
Use Additional Vertex Stream | Enable this setting to use the Unity Additional Vertex Streams feature by default to apply Mesh changes. Enabling this option might improve performance over applying changes directly from the Polybrush Mesh component. To override this default for any Mesh, use the Polybrush Mesh component's Apply as property. |
Lock Brush to First | Enable this setting to prevent any other adjacent Meshes from intercepting any brush strokes. Disable this setting to apply brush strokes across multiple Meshes. |
Vertex Render Size | Set the size of the vertices shown under the brush. |