Interface ICollidable
Interface for objects that can be hit by physics queries.
Namespace: Unity.Physics
Assembly: Unity.Physics.dll
public interface ICollidable
BoxCast(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified box along a ray specified with center, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if a hit happened, the information about closest hit will be in hitInfo.
bool BoxCast(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, float3 direction, float maxDistance, out ColliderCastHit hitInfo, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collider |
hitInfo | [out] Information describing the hit. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
BoxCast(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified box along a ray specified with center, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if there is at least one hit.
bool BoxCast(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, float3 direction, float maxDistance, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
BoxCastAll(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified box along a ray specified with center, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if at least one hit happened, all hits will be stored in a provided list.
bool BoxCastAll(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Native |
outHits | [in,out] The out hits. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
BoxCastCustom<T>(float3, quaternion, float3, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified box along a ray specified with center, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if at least one hit happened, the passed collector is used for custom hit filtering.
bool BoxCastCustom<T>(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref T collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default) where T : struct, ICollector<ColliderCastHit>
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
Calculate an axis aligned bounding box around the object, in local space.
Aabb CalculateAabb()
Type | Description |
Aabb | The calculated aabb. |
Calculate the distance from a collider to the object. Return true if there are any hits.
bool CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput input)
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>)
Calculate the distance from a collider to the object. Return true if there are any hits, with details of every hit in "allHits".
bool CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput input, ref NativeList<DistanceHit> allHits)
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
Native |
allHits | [in,out] all hits. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput, out DistanceHit)
Calculate the distance from a collider to the object. Return true if there are any hits, with details of the closest hit in "closestHit".
bool CalculateDistance(ColliderDistanceInput input, out DistanceHit closestHit)
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
Distance |
closestHit | [out] The closest hit. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Calculate the distance from a point to the object. Return true if there are any hits.
bool CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput input)
Type | Name | Description |
Point |
input | The input. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>)
Calculate the distance from a point to the object. Return true if there are any hits, with details of every hit in "allHits".
bool CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput input, ref NativeList<DistanceHit> allHits)
Type | Name | Description |
Point |
input | The input. |
Native |
allHits | [in,out] all hits. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput, out DistanceHit)
Calculate the distance from a point to the object. Return true if there are any hits, with details of the closest hit in "closestHit".
bool CalculateDistance(PointDistanceInput input, out DistanceHit closestHit)
Type | Name | Description |
Point |
input | The input. |
Distance |
closestHit | [out] The closest hit. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CalculateDistance<T>(ColliderDistanceInput, ref T)
Calculate the distance from a collider to the object. Return true if there are any hits, with details stored in the collector implementation.
bool CalculateDistance<T>(ColliderDistanceInput input, ref T collector) where T : struct, ICollector<DistanceHit>
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
CalculateDistance<T>(PointDistanceInput, ref T)
Calculate the distance from a point to the object. Return true if there are any hits, with details stored in the collector implementation.
bool CalculateDistance<T>(PointDistanceInput input, ref T collector) where T : struct, ICollector<DistanceHit>
Type | Name | Description |
Point |
input | The input. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
CapsuleCast(float3, float3, float, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a capsule specified with two points along a ray specified with the center of the capsule, direction and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if a hit happened, the information about closest hit will be in hitInfo.
bool CapsuleCast(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, out ColliderCastHit hitInfo, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collider |
hitInfo | [out] Information describing the hit. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CapsuleCast(float3, float3, float, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a capsule specified with two points along a ray specified with the center of the capsule, direction and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if there is at least one hit.
bool CapsuleCast(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CapsuleCastAll(float3, float3, float, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a capsule specified with two points along a ray specified with the center of the capsule, direction and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if at least one hit happened, all hits will be stored in a provided list.
bool CapsuleCastAll(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Native |
outHits | [in,out] The out hits. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CapsuleCastCustom<T>(float3, float3, float, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a capsule specified with two points along a ray specified with the center of the capsule, direction and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if at least one hit happened, the passed collector is used for custom hit filtering.
bool CapsuleCastCustom<T>(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref T collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default) where T : struct, ICollector<ColliderCastHit>
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
Cast a collider against the object. Return true if it hits.
bool CastCollider(ColliderCastInput input)
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CastCollider(ColliderCastInput, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>)
Cast a collider against the object. Return true if it hits, with details of every hit in "allHits".
bool CastCollider(ColliderCastInput input, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> allHits)
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
Native |
allHits | [in,out] all hits. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CastCollider(ColliderCastInput, out ColliderCastHit)
Cast a collider against the object. Return true if it hits, with details of the closest hit in "closestHit".
bool CastCollider(ColliderCastInput input, out ColliderCastHit closestHit)
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
Collider |
closestHit | [out] The closest hit. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CastCollider<T>(ColliderCastInput, ref T)
Generic collider cast. Return true if it hits, with details stored in the collector implementation.
bool CastCollider<T>(ColliderCastInput input, ref T collector) where T : struct, ICollector<ColliderCastHit>
Type | Name | Description |
Collider |
input | The input. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
Cast a ray against the object.
bool CastRay(RaycastInput input)
Type | Name | Description |
Raycast |
input | The input. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if it hits, otherwise false. |
CastRay(RaycastInput, ref NativeList<RaycastHit>)
Cast a ray against the object. Return true if it hits, with details of every hit in "allHits".
bool CastRay(RaycastInput input, ref NativeList<RaycastHit> allHits)
Type | Name | Description |
Raycast |
input | The input. |
Native |
allHits | [in,out] all hits. |
Type | Description |
bool | Return true if it hits, with details of the closest hit in "closestHit". |
CastRay(RaycastInput, out RaycastHit)
Cast a ray against the object.
bool CastRay(RaycastInput input, out RaycastHit closestHit)
Type | Name | Description |
Raycast |
input | The input. |
Raycast |
closestHit | [out] The closest hit. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CastRay<T>(RaycastInput, ref T)
Generic ray cast. Return true if it hits, with details stored in the collector implementation.
bool CastRay<T>(RaycastInput input, ref T collector) where T : struct, ICollector<RaycastHit>
Type | Name | Description |
Raycast |
input | The input. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
CheckBox(float3, quaternion, float3, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided box is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if it is overlapping.
bool CheckBox(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CheckCapsule(float3, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided capsule is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if it is overlapping.
bool CheckCapsule(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
CheckSphere(float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided sphere is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if it is overlapping.
bool CheckSphere(float3 position, float radius, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | position | The position. |
float | radius | The radius. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
OverlapBox(float3, quaternion, float3, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided box is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if there is at least one overlap, and all overlaps will be stored in provided list.
bool OverlapBox(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, ref NativeList<DistanceHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
Native |
outHits | [in,out] The out hits. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
OverlapBoxCustom<T>(float3, quaternion, float3, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided box is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if there is at least one overlap, the passed collector is used for custom hit filtering if needed.
bool OverlapBoxCustom<T>(float3 center, quaternion orientation, float3 halfExtents, ref T collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default) where T : struct, ICollector<DistanceHit>
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | center | The center. |
quaternion | orientation | The orientation. |
float3 | halfExtents | Half extents of the box. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
OverlapCapsule(float3, float3, float, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided capsule is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if there is at least one overlap, and all overlaps will be stored in provided list.
bool OverlapCapsule(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, ref NativeList<DistanceHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
Native |
outHits | [in,out] The out hits. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
OverlapCapsuleCustom<T>(float3, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided capsule is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if there is at least one overlap, the passed collector is used for custom hit filtering if needed.
bool OverlapCapsuleCustom<T>(float3 point1, float3 point2, float radius, ref T collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default) where T : struct, ICollector<DistanceHit>
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | point1 | The first point in capsule definition. |
float3 | point2 | The second point in capsule definition. |
float | radius | The radius. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
OverlapSphere(float3, float, ref NativeList<DistanceHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided sphere is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if there is at least one overlap, and all overlaps will be stored in provided list.
bool OverlapSphere(float3 position, float radius, ref NativeList<DistanceHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | position | The position. |
float | radius | The radius. |
Native |
outHits | [in,out] The out hits. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
OverlapSphereCustom<T>(float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Checks if the provided sphere is overlapping with an ICollidable Return true if there is at least one overlap, the passed collector is used for custom hit filtering if needed.
bool OverlapSphereCustom<T>(float3 position, float radius, ref T collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default) where T : struct, ICollector<DistanceHit>
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | position | The position. |
float | radius | The radius. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |
SphereCast(float3, float, float3, float, out ColliderCastHit, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified sphere along a ray specified with origin, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if a hit happened, the information about closest hit will be in hitInfo.
bool SphereCast(float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, out ColliderCastHit hitInfo, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | origin | The origin. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collider |
hitInfo | [out] Information describing the hit. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
SphereCast(float3, float, float3, float, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified sphere along a ray specified with origin, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if there is at least one hit.
bool SphereCast(float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | origin | The origin. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
SphereCastAll(float3, float, float3, float, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit>, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified sphere along a ray specified with origin, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if at least one hit happened, all hits will be stored in a provided list.
bool SphereCastAll(float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref NativeList<ColliderCastHit> outHits, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default)
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | origin | The origin. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
Native |
outHits | [in,out] The out hits. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
SphereCastCustom<T>(float3, float, float3, float, ref T, CollisionFilter, QueryInteraction)
Casts a specified sphere along a ray specified with origin, direction, and maxDistance, and checks if it hits an ICollidable. Return true if at least one hit happened, the passed collector is used for custom hit filtering.
bool SphereCastCustom<T>(float3 origin, float radius, float3 direction, float maxDistance, ref T collector, CollisionFilter filter, QueryInteraction queryInteraction = QueryInteraction.Default) where T : struct, ICollector<ColliderCastHit>
Type | Name | Description |
float3 | origin | The origin. |
float | radius | The radius. |
float3 | direction | The direction. |
float | maxDistance | The maximum distance. |
T | collector | [in,out] The collector. |
Collision |
filter | Specifies the filter. |
Query |
queryInteraction | (Optional) The query interaction. |
Type | Description |
bool | True if there is a hit, false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | Generic type parameter. |