Struct PhysicsVelocity
The velocity of a rigid body. If absent, the rigid body is static.
Namespace: Unity.Physics
public struct PhysicsVelocity : IComponentData
The body's angular velocity in radians per second about each principal axis specified by Transform.
In order to get or set world-space values, use
public float3 Angular
Field Value
Type | Description |
float3 |
The body's world-space linear velocity in units per second.
public float3 Linear
Field Value
Type | Description |
float3 |
CalculateVelocityToTarget(PhysicsMass, Translation, Rotation, RigidTransform, Single)
Create a PhysicsVelocity required to move a body to a target position and orientation. Use this method to control kinematic bodies directly if they need to generate contact events when moving to their new positions. If you need to teleport kinematic bodies you can simply set their Translation and Rotation values directly.
public static PhysicsVelocity CalculateVelocityToTarget(in PhysicsMass bodyMass, in Translation bodyPosition, in Rotation bodyOrientation, in RigidTransform targetTransform, in float stepFrequency)
Type | Name | Description |
PhysicsMass | bodyMass | The body's PhysicsMass component. |
Translation | bodyPosition | The body's Translation component. |
Rotation | bodyOrientation | The body's Rotation component. |
RigidTransform | targetTransform | The desired Translation and Rotation values the body should move to in world space. |
Single | stepFrequency | The step frequency in the simulation where the body's motion is solved (i.e., 1 / FixedDeltaTime). |
Type | Description |
PhysicsVelocity |