Enum BodySmoothing
Describes how a rigid body's motion in its graphics representation should be smoothed when the rendering framerate is greater than the fixed step rate used by physics.
Namespace: Unity.Physics.Authoring
public enum BodySmoothing
Name | Description | Value |
Extrapolation | The body's graphics representation will display a smooth result by projecting into the future based on its current velocity. The result is thus up-to-date, but can mis-predict the body's position and orientation since any future collision response has not yet been resolved. See Extrapolate(in RigidTransform, in PhysicsVelocity, in PhysicsMass, Single) for details. |
Interpolation | The body's graphics representation will display a smooth result between the two most recent physics simulation ticks. The result is one tick behind, but will not mis-predict the body's position and orientation. However, it can make the body appear as if it changes direction before making contact with other bodies, particularly when the physics tick rate is low. See Interpolate(in RigidTransform, in RigidTransform, Single) for details. |
None | The body's graphics representation will display its current position and orientation from the perspective of the physics solver. |