Struct NetworkTime
Present on both client and server world, singleton component that contains all the timing characterist of the client/server simulation loop.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
Assembly: Unity.NetCode.dll
public struct NetworkTime : IComponentData, IQueryTypeParameter
The current interpolated tick (integral part). Always less than the ServerTick on the Client (and equal to ServerTick on the server).
public NetworkTick InterpolationTick
Field Value
Type | Description |
Network |
The fractional part of the tick (XXX.fraction). Always in between (0.0, 1.0]
public float InterpolationTickFraction
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
The current simulated server tick the server will run this frame. Always start from 1. 0 is consider an invalid value. The ServerTick value behave differently on client and server. On the server:
- it is always a "full" tick
- strict monontone and continue (up to the wrap around)
- the same inside or outside the prediction loop On the client:
- it is the tick the client predict the server should simulate this frame. Depends on current lag and command slack
- can be either a full or partial.
- if the tick is partial, the client would run the simulation for it multiple time, each time with a different delta time proportion
- it is not monotone:
- in some rare/recovery situation may rollback or having jump forward (due to time/lag adjustments).
- during the prediction loop the ServerTick value is changed to match either the last full simulated tick or , in case of a rollback because a snapshot has been received, to the oldest received tick among all entities. In both case, and the end of of the prediction loop the server tick will be reset to current predicted server tick.
public NetworkTick ServerTick
Field Value
Type | Description |
Network |
Only meaningful on the client that run at variable step rate. On the server is always 1.0. Always in range is (0.0 and 1.0].
public float ServerTickFraction
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
The number of simulation steps this tick is scaled with. This is used to make one update which covers N ticks in order to reduce CPU cost. This is always 1 for partial ticks in the prediction loop, but can be more than 1 for partial ticks outside the prediction loop.
public int SimulationStepBatchSize
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
Only valid on server. True when the current simulated tick is running with a variabled delta time to recover from a previous long running frame.
public bool IsCatchUpTick { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Only valid inside the prediction loop. The current server tick which will be the last full tick we are predicting
public bool IsFinalFullPredictionTick { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Only valid inside the prediction loop. The current server tick which will be the last tick to predict
public bool IsFinalPredictionTick { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Only valid inside the prediction loop. The server tick the prediction is starting from.
public bool IsFirstPredictionTick { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Only valid inside the prediction loop. True when this ServerTick
is being predicted in full for the first time.
"In full" meaning the first non-partial simulation tick. I.e. Partial ticks don't count.
public bool IsFirstTimeFullyPredictingTick { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Indicate that the current Server
public bool IsInPredictionLoop { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
True if the current tick is running with delta time that is a fraction of the ServerTickDeltaTime. Only true on the client when running at variable frame rate.
public bool IsPartialTick { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
bool |
Counts the number of predicted ticks triggered on this frame (while inside the prediction loop). Thus, client only, and increments BEFORE the tick occurs (i.e. the first predicted tick will have a value of 1). Outside the prediction loop, records the current or last frames prediction tick count (until prediction restarts).
public readonly int PredictedTickIndex { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
Helper to debug NetworkTime issues via logs.
public FixedString512Bytes ToFixedString()
Type | Description |
Fixed |
Formatted string containing NetworkTime data. |