Namespace Unity.NetCode.LowLevel
Simple Unity.Entities.BlobString wrapper that can be embedded into components and allow to access the blob text as Unity.Collections.IUTF8Bytes and Unity.Collections.INativeList<T>. The text is considered readonly. All methods that change or affect the string will throw NotImplementedException.
Helper struct that can be used to inspect the presence of components from a SnapshotData buffer and retrieve their data. The lookup can be passed ot jobs
Helper struct that can be used in your spawn classification systems (and classification jobs) to create SnapshotDataBufferComponentLookup instances. In order to use the helper, the system that create/hold the instance, must be created after the GhostCollectionSystem and after the GhostReceiveSystem, because of the need to retrieve the SpawnedGhostEntityMap and the SnapshotDataLookupCache data.