Struct GhostSpawnSystem
System responsible for spawning all the ghost entities for the client world.
When a ghost snapshot is received from the server, the GhostReceiveSystem add a spawning request to the GhostSpawnBuffer. After the spawning requests has been classified (see GhostSpawnClassificationSystem), the GhostSpawnSystem start processing the spawning queue.
Based on the spawning (GhostSpawnBuffer.Type), the requests are handled quite differently.
When the mode is set to Interpolated, the ghost creation is delayed until the InterpolationTick match (or is greater) the actual spawning tick on the server. A temporary entity, holding the spawning information, the received snapshot data from the server, and tagged with the PendingSpawnPlaceholder is created. The entity will exists until the real ghost instance is spawned (or a de-spawn request has been received), and its sole purpose of receiving new incoming snapshots (even though they are not applied to the entity, since it is not a real ghost).
When the mode is set to Predicted, a new ghost instance in spawned immediately if the
current simulated ServerTick is greater or equals the spawning tick reported by the server.
Otherwise, the ghost creation is delayed until the the ServerTick is greater or equals the required spawning tick. Like to interpolated ghost, a temporary placeholder entity is created to hold spawning information and for holding new received snapshots.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.NetCode
[WorldSystemFilter(WorldSystemFilterFlags.ClientSimulation | WorldSystemFilterFlags.ThinClientSimulation, WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default)]
public struct GhostSpawnSystem : ISystem