AppendStringAsPayloadHandle(ref UnsafeText, PayloadHandle, ref LogMemoryManager)
Appends data from PayloadHandle as UTF8 string into UnsafeText
BuildContextSpecialType(bool, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of bool
BuildContextSpecialType(byte, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of byte
BuildContextSpecialType(char, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of char
BuildContextSpecialType(decimal, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of decimal
BuildContextSpecialType(double, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of double
BuildContextSpecialType(short, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of short
BuildContextSpecialType(int, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of int
BuildContextSpecialType(long, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of long
BuildContextSpecialType(IntPtr, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of IntPtr
BuildContextSpecialType(sbyte, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of sbyte
BuildContextSpecialType(float, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of float
BuildContextSpecialType(ushort, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of ushort
BuildContextSpecialType(uint, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of uint
BuildContextSpecialType(ulong, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of ulong
BuildContextSpecialType(UIntPtr, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a special type of UIntPtr
BuildContextSpecialType(FixedString128Bytes, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a FixedString
BuildContextSpecialType(FixedString32Bytes, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a FixedString
BuildContextSpecialType(FixedString4096Bytes, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a FixedString
BuildContextSpecialType(FixedString512Bytes, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a FixedString
BuildContextSpecialType(FixedString64Bytes, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a FixedString
BuildContextSpecialType(UnsafeText, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack an UnsafeText
BuildContextSpecialType(NativeText, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a NativeText
BuildContextSpecialType(NativeTextBurstWrapper, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a NativeTextWrapper
BuildContextSpecialType(PayloadHandle, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a string saved in a PayloadBuffer
BuildContext<T>(in T, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack a struct
BuildDecorators(ref LogController, ref LogContextWithDecorator)
Adds decorators to LogContextWithDecorator payloads list
BuildDecorators(ref LogController, LogControllerScopedLock, ref FixedList4096Bytes<PayloadHandle>)
Adds decorators to LogContextWithDecorator payloads list
BuildDecorators(ref LogController, LogControllerScopedLock, ref FixedList512Bytes<PayloadHandle>)
Adds decorators to LogContextWithDecorator payloads list
BuildMessage(byte*, int, ref LogMemoryManager)
Writes UTF8 string into LogMemoryManager
BuildMessage(IntPtr, int, ref LogMemoryManager)
Writes UTF8 string into LogMemoryManager
BuildMessage(string, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack string into LogMemoryManager
BuildMessage(NativeTextBurstWrapper, ref LogMemoryManager)
Writes UTF8 string into LogMemoryManager
BuildMessage__Unmanaged(byte*, int, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack generic T into LogMemoryManager
BuildMessage<T>(in T, ref LogMemoryManager)
Helper function to pack generic T into LogMemoryManager
CopyCollectionStringToPayloadBuffer<T>(in T, ref LogMemoryManager, bool, bool, bool)
Allocates memory in the LogMemoryManager and copies data into it with headers. Create copy of string message in UTF8 in PayloadBuffer, prepended with optional typeId and length
CopyStringToPayloadBuffer(string, ref LogMemoryManager, bool, bool, bool)
Allocates memory in the LogMemoryManager and copies data into it with headers.
CopyStringToPayloadBuffer__Unmanaged(byte*, int, ref LogMemoryManager, bool, bool, bool)
Allocates memory in the LogMemoryManager and copies data into it with headers.
CreateText(string, Allocator)
Creates UnsafeText that has UTF8 representation of source string
CreateText__Unmanaged(byte*, int, Allocator)
Creates UnsafeText that has UTF8 representation of source string
When CreateText is called in the burst - CreateText__Unmanaged is called instead
ForceReleasePayloads<T>(in T, ref LogMemoryManager)
Force release memory for payloads