Startup Locale Selectors
The Locale Selector is part of the Localization Settings. It determines which Locale Unity should use when the application first starts or an active Locale isn't selected. For example, you might want to use a default Locale, or attempt to use the Locale that the player is using on their device.
The Localization Settings query each selector in the list, starting at the top (index 0). If a selector doesn't return a locale (null), then it queries the next, until it finds a valid Locale or it reaches the end of the list. This lets you create fallback behaviors when Unity is selecting which Locale to use.
By default, you can choose from the following Locale Selectors.
- Command Line Locale Selector
- System Locale Selector
- Specific Locale Selector
- Player Pref Locale Selector
You can create additional custom selectors using the IStartup
Command Line Locale Selector
The Command Line Locale Selector lets you set the Locale through a command line argument when launching the application. The locale provided through command line should match the Locale Code.
For example -language=en-GB
would match English(United Kingdom), -language=ja
would match Japanese.
The default argument is -language=
. You can configure this in the Command Line Argument field.
System Locale Selector
The System Locale Selector attempts to detect the locale of the device and find a match. The System Locale Selector queries different APIs until it finds a matching locale or a suitable fallback locale.
- iOS - Preferred Language: Unity queries the iOS Preferred Language.
- Android - Device Language: Unity queries the Android getDefault value.
- System Culture: Unity uses the CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture value.
- System Language: Unity uses the SystemLanguage value as its final check.
Specific Locale Selector
The Specific Locale Selector selects a specified locale. You can use this to ensure that a Locale is always selected when all other selectors have failed. The selected locale can be configured through the Locale Id field.
Player Pref Locale Selector
The Player Pref Locale Selector uses Unity's PlayerPrefs to store and retrieve the selected locale between game sessions, enabling the game to remember the language preference of the player across different sessions. The selected locale code is stored as a string using PlayerPrefs.SetString, which allows Unity to guarantee that the next time the player launches the game, it will use the same language they previously chose.