Interface IGlobalVariable
Represents a variable that can be provided through a global Variables
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEngine .Localization.SmartFormat .GlobalVariables
Assembly: Unity.Localization.dll
[Obsolete("Please use UnityEngine.Localization.SmartFormat.PersistentVariables.IVariable instead.")]
public interface IGlobalVariable : IVariable
This shows how to create a custom variable to represent a Date and Time.
[DisplayName("Date Time")]
public class DateTimeVariable : IVariable
[Range(1900, 2050)] public int year;
[Range(0, 12)] public int month;
[Range(0, 31)] public int day;
[Range(0, 24)] public int hour;
[Range(0, 60)] public int min;
[Range(0, 60)] public int sec;
public object GetSourceValue(ISelectorInfo _)
return new DateTime(year, month, day, hour, min, sec);
// Ignore issues about incorrect values.
return new DateTime();
This shows how to create a custom variable to represent a list of localized strings.
public class LocalizedStringList : IVariable
public List<LocalizedString> localizeds = new List<LocalizedString>();
public object GetSourceValue(ISelectorInfo selector)
return localizeds.Select(l => l.GetLocalizedString()).ToList();