Class TrackedObject
Provides common Property Variant functionality for a Unity object.
You can inherit from this class to create custom object trackers.
[DisplayName("Audio Source")]
[CustomTrackedObject(typeof(AudioSource), false)]
public class TrackedAudioSource : TrackedObject
public override AsyncOperationHandle ApplyLocale(Locale variantLocale, Locale defaultLocale)
var audioClipProperty = GetTrackedProperty("m_audioClip");
if (audioClipProperty == null)
return default;
// Check if the Asset is stored in an Asset Table
if (audioClipProperty is LocalizedAssetProperty localizedAssetProperty &&
localizedAssetProperty.LocalizedObject is LocalizedAudioClip localizedAudioClip)
localizedAudioClip.LocaleOverride = variantLocale;
var loadHandle = localizedAudioClip.LoadAssetAsync();
if (loadHandle.IsDone)
loadHandle.Completed += AudioClipLoaded;
return loadHandle;
// Check if the Asset is stored locally
else if (audioClipProperty is UnityObjectProperty localAssetProperty)
if (localAssetProperty.GetValue(variantLocale.Identifier, defaultLocale.Identifier, out var clip))
SetAudioClip(clip as AudioClip);
return default;
void AudioClipLoaded(AsyncOperationHandle<AudioClip> loadHandle)
void SetAudioClip(AudioClip clip)
var source = (AudioSource)Target;
source.clip = clip;
if (clip != null)
public override bool CanTrackProperty(string propertyPath)
// We only care about the Audio clip
return propertyPath == "m_audioClip";
Namespace: UnityEngine.Localization.PropertyVariants.TrackedObjects
Assembly: Unity.Localization.dll
public abstract class TrackedObject : ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
Target | The target that the variants will be applied to. |
TrackedProperties | The tracked properties for this object. |
Name | Description |
AddTrackedProperty(ITrackedProperty) | Add a tracked property for this object. |
AddTrackedProperty<T>(string) | Create and add a tracked property for this object. |
ApplyLocale(Locale, Locale) | Apply the TrackedProperties for |
CanTrackProperty(string) | Can be used to reject certain properties. |
CreateCustomTrackedProperty(string) | |
GetTrackedProperty(string) | Return the tracked property for the property path. |
GetTrackedProperty<T>(string, bool) | Return the tracked property for the property path. |
PostApplyTrackedProperties() | Called when the variants have been applied to Target. |
RemoveTrackedProperty(ITrackedProperty) | Remove a tracked property for this object. |