Enum AndroidKeyCode
Enum used to identity the key in the Android key event. See buttons. See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/KeyEvent#constants_1 for more details.
Namespace: UnityEngine.InputSystem.Android.LowLevel
public enum AndroidKeyCode
Name | Description | Value |
A | 'A' key. |
Alpha0 | '0' key. |
Alpha1 | '1' key. |
Alpha2 | '2' key. |
Alpha3 | '3' key. |
Alpha4 | '4' key. |
Alpha5 | '5' key. |
Alpha6 | '6' key. |
Alpha7 | '7' key. |
Alpha8 | '8' key. |
Alpha9 | '9' key. |
AltLeft | Left Alt modifier key. |
AltRight | Right Alt modifier key. |
Apostrophe | ''' (apostrophe) key. |
AppSwitch | App switch key. Should bring up the application switcher dialog. |
Assist | Assist key. Launches the global assist activity. Not delivered to applications. |
At | '@' key. |
AvrInput | A/V Receiver input key. On TV remotes, switches the input mode on an external A/V Receive |
AvrPower | A/V Receiver power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on an external A/V Receiver. |
B | 'B' key. |
Back | Back key. |
Backslash | '' key. |
Bookmark | Bookmark key. On some TV remotes, bookmarks content or web pages. |
Break | Break / Pause key. |
Button1 | Generic Game Pad Button #1. |
Button10 | Generic Game Pad Button #10. |
Button11 | Generic Game Pad Button #11. |
Button12 | Generic Game Pad Button #12. |
Button13 | Generic Game Pad Button #13. |
Button14 | Generic Game Pad Button #14. |
Button15 | Generic Game Pad Button #15. |
Button16 | Generic Game Pad Button #16. |
Button2 | Generic Game Pad Button #2. |
Button3 | Generic Game Pad Button #3. |
Button4 | Generic Game Pad Button #4. |
Button5 | Generic Game Pad Button #5. |
Button6 | Generic Game Pad Button #6. |
Button7 | Generic Game Pad Button #7. |
Button8 | Generic Game Pad Button #8. |
Button9 | Generic Game Pad Button #9. |
ButtonA | A Button key. On a game controller, the A button should be either the button labeled A or the first button on the bottom row of controller buttons. |
ButtonB | B Button key. On a game controller, the B button should be either the button labeled B or the second button on the bottom row of controller buttons. |
ButtonC | C Button key. On a game controller, the C button should be either the button labeled C or the third button on the bottom row of controller buttons. |
ButtonL1 | L1 Button key. On a game controller, the L1 button should be either the button labeled L1 (or L) or the top left trigger button. |
ButtonL2 | L2 Button key. On a game controller, the L2 button should be either the button labeled L2 or the bottom left trigger button. |
ButtonMode | Mode Button key. On a game controller, the button labeled Mode. |
ButtonR1 | R1 Button key. On a game controller, the R1 button should be either the button labeled R1 (or R) or the top right trigger button. |
ButtonR2 | R2 Button key. On a game controller, the R2 button should be either the button labeled R2 or the bottom right trigger button. |
ButtonSelect | Select Button key. On a game controller, the button labeled Select. |
ButtonStart | Start Button key. On a game controller, the button labeled Start. |
ButtonThumbl | Left Thumb Button key. On a game controller, the left thumb button indicates that the left (or only) joystick is pressed. |
ButtonThumbr | Right Thumb Button key. On a game controller, the right thumb button indicates that the right joystick is pressed. |
ButtonX | X Button key. On a game controller, the X button should be either the button labeled X or the first button on the upper row of controller buttons. |
ButtonY | Y Button key. On a game controller, the Y button should be either the button labeled Y or the second button on the upper row of controller buttons. |
ButtonZ | Z Button key. On a game controller, the Z button should be either the button labeled Z or the third button on the upper row of controller buttons. |
C | 'C' key. |
Calculator | Calculator special function key. Used to launch a calculator application. |
Calendar | Calendar special function key. Used to launch a calendar application. |
Call | Call key. |
Camera | Camera key. Used to launch a camera application or take pictures. |
CapsLock | Caps Lock key. |
Captions | Toggle captions key. Switches the mode for closed-captioning text, for example during television shows. |
ChannelDown | Channel down key. On TV remotes, increments the television channel. |
ChannelUp | Channel up key. On TV remotes, increments the television channel. |
Clear | Clear key. |
Comma | ',' key. |
Contacts | Contacts special function key. Used to launch an address book application. |
CtrlLeft | Left Control modifier key. |
CtrlRight | Right Control modifier key. |
D | 'D' key. |
Del | Backspace key. Deletes characters before the insertion point, unlike ForwardDel. |
DpadCenter | Directional Pad Center key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions. |
DpadDown | Directional Pad Down key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions. |
DpadLeft | Directional Pad Left key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions. |
DpadRight | Directional Pad Right key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions. |
DpadUp | Directional Pad Up key. May also be synthesized from trackball motions. |
Dvr | DVR key. On some TV remotes, switches to a DVR mode for recorded shows. |
E | 'E' key. |
Eisu | Japanese alphanumeric key. |
Endcall | End Call key. |
Enter | Enter key. |
Envelope | Envelope special function key. Used to launch a mail application. |
Equals | '=' key. |
Escape | Escape key. |
Explorer | Explorer special function key. Used to launch a browser application. |
F | 'F' key. |
F1 | F1 key. |
F10 | F10 key. |
F11 | F11 key. |
F12 | F12 key. |
F2 | F2 key. |
F3 | F3 key. |
F4 | F4 key. |
F5 | F5 key. |
F6 | F6 key. |
F7 | F7 key. |
F8 | F8 key. |
F9 | F9 key. |
Focus | Camera Focus key. Used to focus the camera. |
Forward | Forward key. Navigates forward in the history stack. Complement of Back. |
ForwardDel | Forward Delete key. Deletes characters ahead of the insertion point, unlike Del. |
Function | Function modifier key. |
G | 'G' key. |
Grave | '`' (backtick) key. |
Guide | Guide key. On TV remotes, shows a programming guide. |
H | 'H' key. |
Headsethook | Headset Hook key. Used to hang up calls and stop media. |
Henkan | Japanese conversion key. |
Home | Home key. This key is handled by the framework and is never delivered to applications. |
I | 'I' key. |
Info | Info key. Common on TV remotes to show additional information related to what is currently being viewed. |
Insert | Insert key. Toggles insert / overwrite edit mode. |
J | 'J' key. |
K | 'K' key. |
Kana | Japanese kana key. |
KatakanaHiragana | Japanese katakana / hiragana key. |
L | 'L' key. |
LanguageSwitch | Language Switch key. Toggles the current input language such as switching between English and Japanese on a QWERTY keyboard. On some devices, the same function may be performed by pressing Shift+Spacebar. |
LeftBracket | '[' key. |
M | 'M' key. |
MannerMode | 'Manner Mode key. Toggles silent or vibrate mode on and off to make the device behave more politely in certain settings such as on a crowded train. On some devices, the key may only operate when long-pressed. |
MediaClose | Close media key. May be used to close a CD tray, for example. |
MediaEject | Eject media key. May be used to eject a CD tray, for example. |
MediaFastForward | Fast Forward media key. |
MediaNext | Play Next media key. |
MediaPause | Play/Pause media key. |
MediaPlay | Play media key. |
MediaPlayPause | Play/Pause media key. |
MediaPrevious | Play Previous media key. |
MediaRecord | Record media key. |
MediaRewind | Rewind media key. |
MediaStop | Stop media key. |
Menu | Menu key. |
MetaLeft | Left Meta modifier key. |
MetaRight | Right Meta modifier key. |
Minus | '-' key. |
Mode3D | 3D Mode key. Toggles the display between 2D and 3D mode. |
MoveEnd | End Movement key. Used for scrolling or moving the cursor around to the end of a line or to the bottom of a list. |
MoveHome | Home Movement key. Used for scrolling or moving the cursor around to the start of a line or to the top of a list. |
Muhenkan | Japanese non-conversion key. |
Music | Music special function key. Used to launch a music player application. |
Mute | Mute key. Mutes the microphone, unlike VolumeMute. |
N | 'N' key. |
Notification | Notification key. |
Num | Number modifier key. Used to enter numeric symbols. This key is not Num Lock; it is more like AltLeft. |
NumLock | Num Lock key. This is the Num Lock key; it is different from Num. This key alters the behavior of other keys on the numeric keypad. |
Numpad0 | Numeric keypad '0' key. |
Numpad1 | Numeric keypad '1' key. |
Numpad2 | Numeric keypad '2' key. |
Numpad3 | Numeric keypad '3' key. |
Numpad4 | Numeric keypad '4' key. |
Numpad5 | Numeric keypad '5' key. |
Numpad6 | 'Numeric keypad '6' key. |
Numpad7 | 'Numeric keypad '7' key. |
Numpad8 | Numeric keypad '8' key. |
Numpad9 | Numeric keypad '9' key. |
NumpadAdd | Numeric keypad '+' key (for addition). |
NumpadComma | Numeric keypad ',' key (for decimals or digit grouping). |
NumpadDivide | Numeric keypad '/' key (for division). |
NumpadDot | Numeric keypad '.' key (for decimals or digit grouping). |
NumpadEnter | Numeric keypad Enter key. |
NumpadEquals | Numeric keypad '=' key. |
NumpadLeftParen | Numeric keypad '(' key. |
NumpadMultiply | Numeric keypad '*' key (for multiplication). |
NumpadRightParen | Numeric keypad ')' key. |
NumpadSubtract | Numeric keypad '-' key (for subtraction). |
O | 'O' key. |
P | 'P' key. |
PageDown | Page Down key. |
PageUp | Page Up key. |
Period | '.' key. |
Pictsymbols | Picture Symbols modifier key. Used to switch symbol sets (Emoji, Kao-moji). |
Plus | '+' key. |
Pound | '#' key. |
Power | Power key. |
ProgBlue | Blue "programmable" key. On TV remotes, actsas a contextual/programmable key. |
ProgGreen | Green "programmable" key. On TV remotes, actsas a contextual/programmable key. |
ProgRed | Red "programmable" key. On TV remotes, acts as a contextual/programmable key. |
ProgYellow | Yellow "programmable" key. On TV remotes, actsas a contextual/programmable key. |
Q | 'Q' key. |
R | 'R' key. |
RightBracket | ']' key. |
Ro | Japanese Ro key. |
S | 'S' key. |
ScrollLock | Scroll Lock key. |
Search | Search key. |
Semicolon | ';' key. |
Settings | Settings key. Starts the system settings activity. |
ShiftLeft | Left Shift modifier key. |
ShiftRight | Right Shift modifier key. |
Slash | '/' key. |
SoftLeft | Soft Left key. Usually situated below the display on phones and used as a multi-function feature key for selecting a software defined function shown on the bottom left of the display. |
SoftRight | Soft Right key. Usually situated below the display on phones and used as a multi-function feature key for selecting a software defined function shown on the bottom right of the display. |
Space | Space key. |
Star | '*' key. |
StbInput | Set-top-box input key. On TV remotes, switches the input mode on an external Set-top-box. |
StbPower | Set-top-box power key. On TV remotes, toggles the power on an external Set-top-box. |
SwitchCharset | Switch Charset modifier key. Used to switch character sets (Kanji, Katakana). |
Sym | Symbol modifier key. Used to enter alternate symbols. |
Sysrq | System Request / Print Screen key. |
T | 'T' key. |
Tab | Tab key. |
Tv | TV key. On TV remotes, switches to viewing live TV. |
TvInput | TV input key. On TV remotes, switches the input on a television screen. |
TvPower | TV power key. On HDMI TV panel devices and Android TV devices that don't support HDMI, toggles the power state of the device. On HDMI source devices, toggles the power state of the HDMI-connected TV via HDMI-CEC and makes the source device follow this power state. |
U | 'U' key. |
Unknown | Unknown key code. |
V | 'V' key. |
VolumeDown | Volume Down key. Adjusts the speaker volume down. |
VolumeMute | Volume Mute key. Mutes the speaker, unlike Mute. This key should normally be implemented as a toggle such that the first press mutes the speaker and the second press restores the original volum |
VolumeUp | Volume Up key. Adjusts the speaker volume up. |
W | 'W' key. |
Window | Window key. On TV remotes, toggles picture-in-picture mode or other windowing functions. On Android Wear devices, triggers a display offset. |
X | 'X' key. |
Y | 'Y' key. |
Yen | Japanese Yen key. |
Z | 'Z' key. |
ZenkakuHankaku | Japanese full-width / half-width key. |
ZoomIn | Zoom in key. |
ZoomOut | Zoom out key. |