Class MultiTapInteraction
Interaction that requires multiple taps (press and release within tap
Namespace: UnityEngine .InputSystem .Interactions
Assembly: Unity.InputSystem.dll
public class MultiTapInteraction : IInputInteraction<float>, IInputInteraction
The interaction goes into Started on the first press and then will not trigger again until either the full tap sequence is performed (in which case the interaction triggers Performed) or the multi-tap is aborted by a timeout being hit (in which case the interaction will trigger Canceled).
Magnitude threshold that must be crossed by an actuated control for the control to be considered pressed.
public float pressPoint
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
If this is less than or equal to 0 (the default), default
See Also
The number of taps required to perform the interaction.
[Tooltip("How many taps need to be performed in succession. Two means double-tap, three means triple-tap, and so on.")]
public int tapCount
Field Value
Type | Description |
int |
How many taps need to be performed in succession. Two means double-tap, three means triple-tap, and so on.
The time in seconds which is allowed to pass between taps.
[Tooltip("The maximum delay (in seconds) allowed between each tap. If this time is exceeded, the multi-tap is canceled.")]
public float tapDelay
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
If this time is exceeded, the multi-tap interaction is canceled.
If this value is equal to or smaller than zero, the input system will use the duplicate value of tap
The time in seconds within which the control needs to be pressed and released to perform the interaction.
[Tooltip("The maximum time (in seconds) allowed to elapse between pressing and releasing a control for it to register as a tap.")]
public float tapTime
Field Value
Type | Description |
float |
If this value is equal to or smaller than zero, the input system will use (default
Process(ref InputInteractionContext)
Perform processing of the interaction in response to input.
public void Process(ref InputInteractionContext context)
Type | Name | Description |
Input |
context |
This method is called whenever a control referenced in the binding that the interaction sits on changes value. The interaction is expected to process the value change and, if applicable, call Started() and/or its related methods to initiate a state change.
Note that if "control disambiguation" (i.e. the process where if multiple controls are bound to
the same action, the system decides which control gets to drive the action at any one point) is
in effect -- i.e. when either Button or Value
are used but not if Pass
Note that this method is called on the interaction even when there are multiple interactions and the interaction is not the one currently in control of the action (because another interaction that comes before it in the list had already started the action). Each interaction will get processed independently and the action will decide when to use which interaction to drive the action as a whole.
// Processing for an interaction that will perform the action only if a control
// is held at least at 3/4 actuation for at least 1 second.
public void Process(ref InputInteractionContext context)
var control = context.control;
// See if we're currently tracking a control.
if (m_Control != null)
// Ignore any input on a control we're not currently tracking.
if (m_Control != control)
// Check if the control is currently actuated past our 3/4 threshold.
var isStillActuated = context.ControlIsActuated(0.75f);
// See for how long the control has been held.
var actuationTime = context.time - context.startTime;
if (!isStillActuated)
// Control is no longer actuated above 3/4 threshold. If it was held
// for at least a second, perform the action. Otherwise cancel it.
if (actuationTime >= 1)
// Control changed value somewhere above 3/4 of its actuation. Doesn't
// matter to us so no change.
// We're not already tracking a control. See if the control that just triggered
// is actuated at least 3/4th of its way. If so, start tracking it.
var isActuated = context.ControlIsActuated(0.75f);
if (isActuated)
m_Control = context.control;
InputControl m_Control;
public void Reset()
m_Control = null;
Reset state that the interaction may hold. This should put the interaction back in its original state equivalent to no input yet having been received.
public void Reset()