Enum Key
Enumeration of key codes.
Namespace: UnityEngine.InputSystem
public enum Key
Named according to the US keyboard layout which is our reference layout.
Name | Description | Value |
None | Invalid key. Does not represent a key on the keyboard and is only used to have a default for the Key enumeration not represent any specific key. |
0 |
Space | The spaceKey. |
1 |
Enter | The enterKey. |
2 |
Tab | The tabKey. |
3 |
Backquote | The backquoteKey. |
4 |
Quote | The quoteKey. |
5 |
Semicolon | The semicolonKey. |
6 |
Comma | The commaKey. |
7 |
Period | The periodKey. |
8 |
Slash | The slashKey. |
9 |
Backslash | The backslashKey. |
10 |
LeftBracket | The leftBracketKey. |
11 |
RightBracket | The rightBracketKey. |
12 |
Minus | The minusKey. |
13 |
Equals | The equalsKey. |
14 |
A | The aKey. |
15 |
B | The bKey. |
16 |
C | The cKey. |
17 |
D | The dKey. |
18 |
E | The eKey. |
19 |
F | The fKey. |
20 |
G | The gKey. |
21 |
H | The hKey. |
22 |
I | The iKey. |
23 |
J | The jKey. |
24 |
K | The kKey. |
25 |
L | The lKey. |
26 |
M | The mKey. |
27 |
N | The nKey. |
28 |
O | The oKey. |
29 |
P | The pKey. |
30 |
Q | The qKey. |
31 |
R | The rKey. |
32 |
S | The sKey. |
33 |
T | The tKey. |
34 |
U | The uKey. |
35 |
V | The vKey. |
36 |
W | The wKey. |
37 |
X | The xKey. |
38 |
Y | The yKey. |
39 |
Z | The zKey. |
40 |
Digit1 | The digit1Key. |
41 |
Digit2 | The digit2Key. |
42 |
Digit3 | The digit3Key. |
43 |
Digit4 | The digit4Key. |
44 |
Digit5 | The digit5Key. |
45 |
Digit6 | The digit6Key. |
46 |
Digit7 | The digit7Key. |
47 |
Digit8 | The digit8Key. |
48 |
Digit9 | The digit9Key. |
49 |
Digit0 | The digit0Key. |
50 |
LeftShift | The leftShiftKey. |
51 |
RightShift | The rightShiftKey. |
52 |
LeftAlt | The leftAltKey. |
53 |
AltGr | Same as RightAlt. |
54 |
RightAlt | The rightAltKey. |
54 |
LeftCtrl | The leftCtrlKey. |
55 |
RightCtrl | The rightCtrlKey. |
56 |
LeftWindows | Same as LeftMeta. |
57 |
LeftApple | Same as LeftMeta. |
57 |
LeftMeta | The leftMetaKey. |
57 |
LeftCommand | Same as LeftMeta. |
57 |
RightCommand | Same as RightMeta. |
58 |
RightApple | Same as RightMeta. |
58 |
RightWindows | Same as RightMeta. |
58 |
RightMeta | The rightMetaKey. |
58 |
ContextMenu | The contextMenuKey. |
59 |
Escape | The escapeKey. |
60 |
LeftArrow | The leftArrowKey. |
61 |
RightArrow | The rightArrowKey. |
62 |
UpArrow | The upArrowKey. |
63 |
DownArrow | The downArrowKey. |
64 |
Backspace | The backspaceKey. |
65 |
PageDown | The pageDownKey. |
66 |
PageUp | The pageUpKey. |
67 |
Home | The homeKey. |
68 |
End | The endKey. |
69 |
Insert | The insertKey. |
70 |
Delete | The deleteKey. |
71 |
CapsLock | The capsLockKey. |
72 |
NumLock | The numLockKey. |
73 |
PrintScreen | The printScreenKey. |
74 |
ScrollLock | The scrollLockKey. |
75 |
Pause | The pauseKey. |
76 |
NumpadEnter | The numpadEnterKey. |
77 |
NumpadDivide | The numpadDivideKey. |
78 |
NumpadMultiply | The numpadMultiplyKey. |
79 |
NumpadPlus | The numpadPlusKey. |
80 |
NumpadMinus | The numpadMinusKey. |
81 |
NumpadPeriod | The numpadPeriodKey. |
82 |
NumpadEquals | The numpadEqualsKey. |
83 |
Numpad0 | The numpad0Key. |
84 |
Numpad1 | The numpad1Key. |
85 |
Numpad2 | The numpad2Key. |
86 |
Numpad3 | The numpad3Key. |
87 |
Numpad4 | The numpad4Key. |
88 |
Numpad5 | The numpad5Key. |
89 |
Numpad6 | The numpad6Key. |
90 |
Numpad7 | The numpad7Key. |
91 |
Numpad8 | The numpad8Key. |
92 |
Numpad9 | The numpad9Key. |
93 |
F1 | The f1Key. |
94 |
F2 | The f2Key. |
95 |
F3 | The f3Key. |
96 |
F4 | The f4Key. |
97 |
F5 | The f5Key. |
98 |
F6 | The f6Key. |
99 |
F7 | The f7Key. |
100 |
F8 | The f8Key. |
101 |
F9 | The f9Key. |
102 |
F10 | The f10Key. |
103 |
F11 | The f11Key. |
104 |
F12 | The f12Key. |
105 |
OEM1 | The oem1Key. |
106 |
OEM2 | The oem2Key. |
107 |
OEM3 | The oem3Key. |
108 |
OEM4 | The oem4Key. |
109 |
OEM5 | The oem5Key. |
110 |
IMESelected | 111 |