Struct LocalToWorldSystem
This system computes a LocalToWorld matrix for each entity
Namespace: Unity.Transforms
Assembly: Unity.Transforms.dll
[WorldSystemFilter(WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default|WorldSystemFilterFlags.Editor, WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default)]
public struct LocalToWorldSystem : ISystem
Entity transformation hierarchies are created using the Parent and LocalTransform components, and maintained by the ParentSystem.
For root-level / world-space entities with no Parent, the LocalToWorld can be computed directly from the entity's LocalTransform.
For child entities, each unique hierarchy is traversed recursively, computing each child's LocalToWorld by composing its LocalTransform with its parent's world-space transform.
Name | Description |
OnCreate(ref SystemState) | |
OnCreateForCompiler(ref SystemState) | |
OnUpdate(ref SystemState) |