Class CinemachineFollow
This is a CinemachineComponent in the Body section of the component pipeline. Its job is to position the camera in a fixed relationship to the vcam's Tracking Target object, with offsets and damping.
This component will only change the camera's position in space. It will not re-orient or otherwise aim the camera. To to that, you need to instruct the camera in the Aim section of its pipeline.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Cinemachine
Assembly: solution.dll
[AddComponentMenu("Cinemachine/Procedural/Position Control/Cinemachine Follow")]
public class CinemachineFollow : CinemachineComponentBase
Name | Description |
Follow |
The distance which the camera will attempt to maintain from the tracking target |
Tracker |
Settings to control damping for target tracking. |
Name | Description |
Is |
True if component is enabled and has a valid Follow target |
Stage | Get the Cinemachine Pipeline stage that this component implements. Always returns the Body stage |
Name | Description |
Force |
Force the virtual camera to assume a given position and orientation |
Get |
Report maximum damping time needed for this component. |
Mutate |
Positions the virtual camera according to the transposer rules. |
On |
This is called to notify the user that a target got warped, so that we can update its internal state to make the camera also warp seamlessly. |