Class BlackboardReference
A reference to a Blackboard.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Unity.Behavior
Assembly: Unity.Behavior.dll
public class BlackboardReference
An instantiated copy of the Blackboard asset to be used.
public Blackboard Blackboard { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
Blackboard |
AddVariable<TValue>(string, TValue)
Adds a variable of a given type and value to the blackboard. A variable will only be added if one with the same name does not already exist within the blackboard's variables.
public bool AddVariable<TValue>(string name, TValue value)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the variable |
TValue | value | The value to assign to be assigned to the variable |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the variable is added and false if a matching variable already exists. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | The type of value stored by the variable |
GetVariable(string, out BlackboardVariable)
Gets the variable associated with the specified name.
public bool GetVariable(string name, out BlackboardVariable variable)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the variable |
Blackboard |
variable | Contains the value associated with the specified name, if the named variable is found; otherwise, the default value is assigned. |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable matching the name and type is found. Returns false otherwise. |
GetVariable(SerializableGUID, out BlackboardVariable)
Gets a variable associated with the specified GUID.
public bool GetVariable(SerializableGUID guid, out BlackboardVariable variable)
Type | Name | Description |
Serializable |
guid | The GUID of the variable to get |
Blackboard |
variable | The variable associated with the specified GUID. |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable with a matching GUID was found and false otherwise. |
GetVariableID(string, out SerializableGUID)
Gets the ID of the variable associated with the specified name.
public bool GetVariableID(string name, out SerializableGUID id)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the variable |
Serializable |
id | Contains the ID associated with the specified name, if the named variable is found; otherwise, the default value is assigned. |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable matching the name and type is found. Returns false otherwise. |
GetVariableValue<TValue>(string, out TValue)
Tries to get the variable's value associated with the specified name.
public bool GetVariableValue<TValue>(string name, out TValue value)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the variable |
TValue | value | The value associated with the specified name, if the named variable is found; otherwise, the default value is assigned. |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable matching the name and type is found. Returns false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | The type of value stored by the variable |
GetVariable<TValue>(string, out BlackboardVariable<TValue>)
Gets a variable associated with the specified name and value type. For values of type subclassed from UnityEngine.Object, use the non-generic method.
public bool GetVariable<TValue>(string name, out BlackboardVariable<TValue> variable)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the variable |
Blackboard |
variable | The blackboard variable matching the name and value type |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable matching the name and type is found. Returns false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | The type of value stored by the variable |
GetVariable<TValue>(SerializableGUID, out BlackboardVariable<TValue>)
Gets a variable associated with the specified GUID and value type.
public bool GetVariable<TValue>(SerializableGUID guid, out BlackboardVariable<TValue> variable)
Type | Name | Description |
Serializable |
guid | The GUID of the variable to get |
Blackboard |
variable | The variable associated with the specified GUID. |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable with a matching GUID and type was found and false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | The value type of the variable |
SetVariableValue<TValue>(string, TValue)
Sets the value of a blackboard variable matching the specified name and value type.
public bool SetVariableValue<TValue>(string name, TValue value)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the variable |
TValue | value | The value to assign to the variable |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if a variable matching the name and type is found and set. Returns false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | The type of value stored by the variable |
SetVariableValue<TValue>(SerializableGUID, TValue)
Sets the value of the variable associated with the specified GUID.
public bool SetVariableValue<TValue>(SerializableGUID guid, TValue value)
Type | Name | Description |
Serializable |
guid | The guid associated with the variable |
TValue | value | The value to assign to the variable |
Type | Description |
bool | Returns true if the value was set successfully and false otherwise. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
TValue | The value type of the variable |