Class AddressableAssetSettings
Contains editor data for the addressables system.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor .AddressableAssets .Settings
Assembly: Unity.Addressables.Editor.dll
public class AddressableAssetSettings : ScriptableObject, ISerializationCallbackReceiver
Name | Description |
Default |
The default name of the local data AddressableAsssetGroup |
k |
Build Path Name |
k |
Load Path Name |
k |
Default name of local build path. |
k |
Default value of local build path. |
k |
Default name of local load path. |
k |
Default value of local load path. |
k |
Default name of a newly created group. |
k |
Default name of remote build path. |
k |
Default value of remote build path. |
k |
Default name of remote load path. |
k |
Default value of remote load path. |
Name | Description |
Active |
Get the active data builder for editor play mode data. |
Active |
Get the index of the active play mode data builder. |
Active |
Get the active data builder for player data. |
Active |
Get the index of the active player data builder. |
Asset |
The provider type to use for loading asset bundles. |
Asset |
Will load all Assets into memory from the AssetBundle after the AssetBundle is loaded. |
Asset |
The path of the settings asset. |
Build |
Defines if Addressables content will be built along with a Player build. (Requires 2021.2 or above) |
Build |
Determine if a remote catalog should be built-for and loaded-by the app. |
Built |
Custom Unity built in bundle prefix that is used if AddressableAssetSettings.BuiltInBundleNaming is set to BuiltInBundleNaming.Custom. |
Built |
Sets the naming convention used for the Unity built in bundle at build time. The recommended setting is Project Name. |
Bundle |
Indicates the number of redirects which this bundle UnityWebRequest will follow before halting with a “Redirect Limit Exceeded” system error. |
Bundle |
Indicates the number of times the bundle request will be retried. |
Bundle |
Attempt to abort after the number of seconds in timeout have passed, where the bundle UnityWebRequest has received no data. |
Bundled |
The provider type to use for loading assets from bundles. |
CCDEnabled | A flag indicating whether or not a compatible version of the CCD package is installed for use with the CCD integration workflow |
Catalog |
The maximum time to download hash and json catalog files before a timeout error. |
Certificate |
The type of CertificateHandler to use for this provider. |
Check |
Informs the Addressable system how to handle checking for Content Update Restrictions during a Content Update build. During this check, assets are flagged that have changed, yet are contained in a Group that has the Cannot Change Post Release option set. |
Config |
The folder of the settings asset. |
Content |
The path used for saving the addressables_content_state.bin file. If empty, this will be the addressable settings config folder in your project. |
Contiguous |
If set, packs assets in bundles contiguously based on the ordering of the source asset which results in improved asset loading times. Disable this if you've built bundles with a version of Addressables older than 1.12.1 and you want to minimize bundle changes. |
Custom |
The ids of the registered commands. |
Custom |
The ids of the registered commands. |
Data |
The folder for the script assets. |
Data |
List of ScriptableObjects that implement the IDataBuilder interface. These are used to create data for editor play mode and for player builds. |
Default |
The default group. This group is used when marking assets as addressable via the inspector. |
Disable |
Tells Addressables if it should check for a Content Catalog Update during the initialization step. |
Disable |
If true, the build will assume that sub Assets have no visible asset representations (are not visible in the Project view) which results in improved build times. However sub assets in the built bundles cannot be accessed by AssetBundle.LoadAsset<T> or AssetBundle.LoadAllAssets<T>. |
Enable |
Set this true to use Json catalogs instead of Binary catalogs. Set to false to use binary catalogs. |
Group |
The folder for the group assets. |
Group |
The folder for the asset group schema assets. |
Group |
The default folder for the group template assets. |
Group |
List of ScriptableObjects that implement the IGroupTemplate interface for providing new templates. For use in the AddressableAssetsWindow to display new groups to create |
Ignore |
Whether unsupported files during build should be ignored or treated as an error. |
Initialization |
List of ScriptableObjects that implement the IObjectInitializationDataProvider interface for providing runtime initialization. |
Internal |
Internal bundle naming mode |
Internal |
Internal Id mode for assets in bundles. |
Is |
Returns whether this settings object is persisted to an asset. |
Max |
The maximum number of concurrent web requests. This value will be clamped from 1 to 1024. |
Mono |
Custom MonoScript bundle prefix that is used if AddressableAssetSettings.MonoScriptBundleNaming is set to MonoScriptBundleNaming.Custom. |
Mono |
Sets the naming convention used for the MonoScript bundle at build time. Or disabled MonoScript bundle generation. The recommended setting is Project Name. |
Non |
If set, Calculates and build asset bundles using Non-Recursive Dependency calculation methods. This approach helps reduce asset bundle rebuilds and runtime memory consumption. |
On |
Event for handling the result of a DataBuilder.Build call. |
On |
Event for handling settings changes. The object passed depends on the event type. |
Optimize |
Enables size optimization of content catalogs. This may increase the cpu usage of loading the catalog. |
Override |
Allows for overriding the player version used to generated catalog names. |
Player |
The version of the player build. This is implemented as a timestamp int UTC of the form string.Format("{0:D4}.{1:D2}.{2:D2}.{3:D2}.{4:D2}.{5:D2}", now.Year, now.Month, now.Day, now.Hour, now.Minute, now.Second). |
Remote |
The path to place a copy of the content catalog for online retrieval. To do any content updates to an existing built app, there must be a remote catalog. Overwriting the catalog is how the app gets informed of the updated content. |
Remote |
The path to load the remote content catalog from. This is the location the app will check to look for updated catalogs, which is the only indication the app has for updated content. |
Shared |
Determines the group whose settings used for shared bundles (Built In and MonoScript bundles). |
Shared |
Indentifies the group whose settings are used for shared bundles (Built In and MonoScript bundles). |
Unique |
Set this to true to ensure unique bundle ids. Set to false to allow duplicate bundle ids. |
active |
The active profile id. |
build |
Build settings object. |
current |
Hash of the current settings. This value is recomputed if anything changes. |
groups | List of asset groups. |
profile |
Profile settings object. |
Name | Description |
Add |
Adds a data builder. |
Add |
Adds a AddressableAssetsGroupTemplate object. |
Add |
Adds an initialization object. |
Add |
Add a new label. |
Build |
Runs the active player data build script to create runtime data.
See the Build |
Build |
Runs the active player data build script to create runtime data.
See the Build |
Clean |
Deletes all created runtime data for the active player data builder. |
Create(string, string, bool, bool) | Create a new AddressableAssetSettings object. |
Create |
Creates a new AddressableAssetGroupTemplate Object with the set of schema types with default settings for use in the editor GUI. |
Create |
Create an AssetReference object. If the asset is not already addressable, it will be added. |
Create |
Creates a new Addressable Asset group. |
Create |
Create a new entry, or if one exists in a different group, move it into the new group. |
Find |
Find and asset entry by guid. |
Find |
Find and asset entry by guid. |
Find |
Find asset group by functor. |
Find |
Find asset group by name. |
Get |
Gets all asset entries from all groups. |
Get |
Get The data builder at a specifc index. |
Get |
Get the IGroupTemplate at the specified index. |
Get |
Get the IObjectInitializationDataProvider at a specifc index. |
Get |
Gets the list of all defined labels. |
Get |
Retrieves the group whose settings are used for shared bundles (Built In and MonoScript bundles). |
Invoke |
Invoke a registered command for a set of entries. |
Invoke |
Invoke a registered command for a set of groups. |
Move |
Move an existing entry to a group. |
Move |
Move an existing entry to a group. |
On |
Impementation of ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Used to set callbacks for ProfileValueReference changes. |
On |
Impementation of ISerializationCallbackReceiver. Sorts collections for deterministic ordering |
Register |
Register a custom command to process asset entries. These commands will be shown in the context menu of the groups window. |
Register |
Register a custom command to process asset groups. These commands will be shown in the context menu of the groups window. |
Remove |
Remove an asset entry. |
Remove |
Remove the data builder at the sprcified index. |
Remove |
Remove an asset group. |
Remove |
Remove the AddressableAssetGroupTemplate object at the specified index. |
Remove |
Remove the initialization object at the specified index. |
Remove |
Remove a label by name. |
Set |
Sets the data builder at the specified index. |
Set |
Marks the object as modified. |
Set |
Sets the initialization object at the specified index. |
Set |
Sets the initialization object at the specified index. |
Unregister |
Removes a registered custom entry command. |
Unregister |
Removes a registered custom group command. |
Name | Description |
On |
Event for handling settings changes on all instances of AddressableAssetSettings. The object passed depends on the event type. |