Class HttpHostingService
HTTP implementation of hosting service.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.HostingServices
public class HttpHostingService : BaseHostingService, IHostingService
Name | Description |
HttpHostingService() | Create a new HttpHostingService |
Name | Description |
HostingServiceContentRoots | List of content roots for hosting service. |
HostingServicePort | The port number on which the service is listening |
IsHostingServiceRunning | Gets the current running status of the hosting service. |
MyHttpListener | The actual Http listener used by this service |
ProfileVariables | Dictionary of profile variables defined by the hosting service. |
UploadSpeed | The upload speed that files were be served at, in kbps |
Name | Description |
ConfigureHttpListener() | Handles any configuration necessary for MyHttpListener before listening for connections. |
Finalize() | Destroys a HttpHostingService |
FindFileInContentRoots(String) | Searches for the given relative path within the configured content root directores. |
GetAvailablePort() | Find an open network listen port on the local system |
HandleRequest(IAsyncResult) | Asynchronous callback to handle a client connection request on MyHttpListener. This method is recursive in that it will call itself immediately after receiving a new incoming request to listen for the next connection. |
IsPortAvailable(Int32) | Tests to see if the given port # is already in use |
OnAfterDeserialize(KeyDataStore) | Called immediatley following a domain reload by the HostingServicesManager, for restoring state information after the service is recreated. |
OnBeforeSerialize(KeyDataStore) | Called by the HostingServicesManager before a domain reload, giving the hosting service an opportunity to persist state information. |
OnGUI() | Render the hosting service GUI. |
ResetListenPort(Int32) | Listen on a new port the next time the server starts. If the server is already running, it will be stopped and restarted automatically. |
Return404(HttpListenerContext) | Sets the status code to 404 on the given |
ReturnFile(HttpListenerContext, String, Int32) | Sends a file to the connected HTTP client |
StartHostingService() | Starts the hosting service. |
StopHostingService() | Temporarily stops the service from receiving requests. |