Struct GenerateLocationListsTask.Input
Storage for data gathered by the build pipeline.
Inherited Members
Namespace: UnityEditor.AddressableAssets.Build.BuildPipelineTasks
public struct Input
Name | Description |
AddressableAssetEntries | All the AddressableAssetEntries to process |
AssetToAssetInfo | Map of Guid to AssetLoadInfo |
AssetToFiles | Mapping of an asset to all the serialized files needed to load it. The first entry is the file that contains the asset itself. |
BundleToAssetGroup | Mapping of the AssetBundle to the AddressableAssetGroup it was derived from |
FileToBundle | Mapping from serialized filename to the bundle name |
Logger | The logger used during the build. |
Settings | The current AddressableAssetSettings to be processed. |
Target | The BuildTarget to build for. |