Parameter | Description |
u | The u coordinate of the pixel to get. |
v | The v coordinate of the pixel to get. |
mipLevel | The mipmap level to read from. The range is 0 through the texture's Texture.mipmapCount. The default value is 0 . |
Color The pixel color.
Gets the filtered pixel color at the normalized coordinates (u
, v
This method gets pixel data from the texture in CPU memory. Texture.isReadable must be true
Unity uses bilinear filtering to return the pixel color.
The lower left corner is (0, 0). If the pixel coordinate is outside the texture's dimensions, Unity clamps or repeats it, depending on the texture's TextureWrapMode.
You can't use GetPixelBilinear
with textures that use Crunch texture compression. Use GetPixels32 instead.
Additional resources: GetPixel.
using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour { // "Warp" a texture by squashing its pixels to one side. // This involves sampling the image at non-integer pixel // positions to ensure a smooth effect.
// Source image. public Texture2D sourceTex;
// Amount of "warping". public float warpFactor = 1.0f;
Texture2D destTex; Color[] destPix;
void Start() { // Set up a new texture with the same dimensions as the original. destTex = new Texture2D(sourceTex.width, sourceTex.height); destPix = new Color[destTex.width * destTex.height];
// For each pixel in the destination texture... for (var y = 0; y < destTex.height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < destTex.width; x++) { // Calculate the fraction of the way across the image // that this pixel positon corresponds to. float xFrac = x * 1.0f / (destTex.width - 1); float yFrac = y * 1.0f / (destTex.height - 1);
// Take the fractions (0..1)and raise them to a power to apply // the distortion. float warpXFrac = Mathf.Pow(xFrac, warpFactor); float warpYFrac = Mathf.Pow(yFrac, warpFactor);
// Get the non-integer pixel positions using GetPixelBilinear. destPix[y * destTex.width + x] = sourceTex.GetPixelBilinear(warpXFrac, warpYFrac); } }
// Copy the pixel data to the destination texture and apply the change. destTex.SetPixels(destPix); destTex.Apply();
// Set our object's texture to the newly warped image. GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = destTex; } }
Additional resources: GetPixel.