Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public static int JobWorkerCount;


Current number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue.

By default, this property takes the value of JobWorkerMaximumCount. You can set the value of this property at runtime to dynamically reduce the number worker threads available to the job queue. This can have the effect of saving power, or reducing the CPU load on a shared or virtual machine. This is useful if you have multiple instances of your application running as a server, and you want to prevent any single instance from monopolizing the resources of the machine.

You can't set this value below 0, or above the value of the JobWorkerMaximumCount property. Trying to do so throwa an out of range exception.

On some platforms, such as Android, Unity automatically adjusts this value at runtime if the operating system indicates that the number of available cores has changed. This can happen if the device has entered, or left, power-saving mode. However, if you set this property manually to any valid value, Unity stops any automatic adjustment and ignores any requests from the operating system. To restore the automatic adjustment mode, call ResetJobWorkerCount.