Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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atIndex The index to insert the item at.
actionName The name of the item. This name is displayed in the dropdown menu.
action Callback to execute when the user selects this item in the menu.
actionStatusCallback The callback to execute to determine the status of the item.
userData The object to store in the <b>userData</b> property of the <see cref="DropdownMenuAction" /> item. This object is accessible through the action callback.


Adds an item that executes an action in the dropdown menu.

The item is added to the end of the specified index in the list.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class ContextMenuWindow : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("My/Context Menu Window")] static void ShowMe() => GetWindow<ContextMenuWindow>();

void CreateGUI() { var contextMenuContainer = new VisualElement(); = 1; contextMenuContainer.AddManipulator(new ContextualMenuManipulator(e => {"My Action 1", a => Debug.Log("My Action 1 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 0"My Action 3", a => Debug.Log("My Action 3 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 1"Submenu/My Action 4", a => Debug.Log("My Action 4 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 2"Submenu/My Action 6", a => Debug.Log("My Action 6 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 3

// Indices from 1 to 3 are shifted up index by 1. In result 'My Action 2' now has an index of 2., "My Action 2", a => Debug.Log("My Action 2 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysEnabled);

// If we want to insert an between submenu items, we have to use shifted indices, "Submenu/My Action 5", a => Debug.Log("My Action 5 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.AlwaysDisabled); }));

rootVisualElement.Add(contextMenuContainer); } }


atIndex The index to insert the item at.
actionName The name of the item. This name is displayed in the dropdown menu.
action The callback to execute when the user selects this item in the menu.
status The status of the item.


Adds an item that executes an action in the dropdown menu.

The item is added to the end of the specified index in the list.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class ContextMenuWindow : EditorWindow { [MenuItem("My/Context Menu Window")] static void ShowMe() => GetWindow<ContextMenuWindow>();

void CreateGUI() { var contextMenuContainer = new VisualElement(); = 1; contextMenuContainer.AddManipulator(new ContextualMenuManipulator(e => {"My Action 1", a => Debug.Log("My Action 1 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 0"My Action 3", a => Debug.Log("My Action 3 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 1"Submenu/My Action 4", a => Debug.Log("My Action 4 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 2"Submenu/My Action 6", a => Debug.Log("My Action 6 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal); // 3

// Indices from 1 to 3 are shifted up index by 1. In result 'My Action 2' now has an index of 2., "My Action 2", a => Debug.Log("My Action 2 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Normal);

// If we want to insert an between submenu items, we have to use shifted indices, "Submenu/My Action 5", a => Debug.Log("My Action 5 Works"), DropdownMenuAction.Status.Disabled); }));

rootVisualElement.Add(contextMenuContainer); } }