Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public void BeginSubPass(NativeArray<int> colors, NativeArray<int> inputs, bool isDepthReadOnly, bool isStencilReadOnly);


public void BeginSubPass(NativeArray<int> colors, NativeArray<int> inputs, bool isDepthStencilReadOnly);


public void BeginSubPass(NativeArray<int> colors, bool isDepthReadOnly, bool isStencilReadOnly);


public void BeginSubPass(NativeArray<int> colors, bool isDepthStencilReadOnly);


colors Array of attachments to be used as the color render targets in this sub pass. These are specificed as indices into the array passed to BeginRenderPass.
inputs Array of attachments to be used as input attachments in this sub pass. These are specificed as indices into the array passed to BeginRenderPass.
isDepthStencilReadOnly If true, both depth and stencil attachments are read-only in this sub pass. Some renderers require this in order to be able to use the depth and stencil attachments as inputs.
isDepthReadOnly If true, the depth attachment is read-only in this sub pass. Some renderers require this in order to be able to use the depth attachment as input.
isStencilReadOnly If true, the stencil attachment is read-only in this sub pass. Some renderers require this in order to be able to use the stencil attachment as input.


Schedules the beginning of a new sub pass within a render pass. Render passes can never be standalone, they must always contain at least one sub pass. Only one sub pass can be active at any time.