Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#
Method group is Obsolete


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Obsolete This property is obsolete. Use RenderingLayerMask API and Tags & Layers project settings instead. #from(23.3). public string[] prefixedRenderingLayerMaskNames;


string[] Returns the mask names defined in renderingLayerMaskNames, but with each name prefixed by its index in the array, a colon, and a space. For example, if the element with an index of 2 has the name "Example Name", its value in this array is "2: Example Name".


Returns the names of the Rendering Layer Masks for this pipeline, with each name prefixed by a unique numerical ID.

This property is useful for creating custom Editor UI for a render pipeline. If the array of Rendering Layer Mask names contains duplicate names, this property lets you distinguish them by their prefix.