Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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The unit of luminous flux.

Describes the total amount of visible light that a light source emits in all directions. When you use this unit, the amount of visible light is independent of the source's size meaning the illumination level of a Scene does not change depending on the size of a light source. However, highlights that a light source produces dim as the area of the light source increases. This is because the same power is spread across a larger area.

A light source that emits 1 candela of luminous intensity from an area of 1 steradian has a luminous flux of 1 lumen.

Compatible light types: LightType.Point, LightType.Spot, LightType.Pyramid, LightType.Rectangle, LightType.Disc, LightType.Tube.

Additional resources: Light.lightUnit, light component.