Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public LightTransport.IProbeIntegrator.Result IntegrateOcclusion(LightTransport.IDeviceContext context, int positionOffset, int positionCount, int sampleCount, int maxLightsPerProbe, BufferSlice<int> perProbeLightIndices, BufferSlice<float> probeOcclusionEstimateOut);


context Device context.
positionOffset Offset measured from the beginning of the probe position buffer.
positionCount Number of probes to integrate.
sampleCount Number of samples to take.
maxLightsPerProbe Maximum number of lights per probe. The default value is 4.
perProbeLightIndices Buffer slice containing per probe Light indices.
probeOcclusionEstimateOut Buffer slice to write the probe occlusion estimate into. The size of the buffer in bytes should be maxLightsPerProbe * sizeof(float).


Result Return code.


Integrate occlusion.

The integrator does spherical sampling for each probe position. Occlusion is 1 if all rays hit front-facing triangles or the sky. Occlusion is 0 if all rays hit back-facing triangles.

Additional resources: InputExtraction.ComputeOcclusionLightIndicesFromBakeInput.