Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public static Animations.PropertySceneHandle BindSceneProperty(Animator animator, Transform transform, Type type, string property);


public static Animations.PropertySceneHandle BindSceneProperty(Animator animator, Transform transform, Type type, string property, bool isObjectReference = false);


animator The Animator instance that calls this method.
transform The Transform to target.
type The Component type.
property The property to bind.
isObjectReference isObjectReference need to be set to true if the property to bind does access an Object like SpriteRenderer.sprite.


PropertySceneHandle Returns the PropertySceneHandle that represents the new binding.


Create a PropertySceneHandle representing the new binding on the Component property of a Transform in the Scene.

You can bind a property that doesn't exist yet. For example you can bind a property on a MonoBehaviour that will be added later dynamically. In this case, you need to manually resolve the handle after adding the MonoBehaviour on the GameObject, using ResolveAllSceneHandles.