Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public void SetTrigger(string name);


public void SetTrigger(int id);


name The parameter name.
id The parameter ID.


Sets the value of the given trigger parameter.

This method allows you to set (i.e. activate) an animation trigger, to cause a change in flow in the state machine of an animator controller. The Animation Parameters page describes the purpose of the Animator Controller Parameters window. Trigger is one of the 4 selectable options. Selecting this adds a Trigger to the list of chosen parameters. Once this is added to the selected list it can be named. Unlike bools which have the same true/false option, Triggers have a true option which automatically returns back to false. A typical example might be to have a Jump option. If this option is entered during run-time the character will jump. At the end of the Jump the previous motion (perhaps a walk or run state) will be returned to.