Scripting API
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Unity Manual
Unity User Manual (5.6)
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Working In Unity
Downloading and installing Unity
Deploying Unity offline
2D or 3D projects
Getting started
The Learn tab
Learning the interface
Asset Workflow
Primitive and Placeholder Objects
Importing Assets
Import Settings
Importing from the Asset Store
Asset Packages
Standard Assets
The Main Windows
The Project Window
The Scene View
Scene View navigation
Positioning GameObjects
Scene view Control Bar
Gizmos menu
The Game view
The Hierarchy window
The Inspector window
Assigning icons
Editing Properties
Preset Libraries
Inspector Options
The Toolbar
Other Windows
Customizing Your Workspace
Unity Hotkeys
Creating Gameplay
Introduction to components
Using Components
Creating components with scripting
Deactivating GameObjects
Static GameObjects
Saving Your Work
Instantiating Prefabs at runtime
Conventional Game Input
Input for Oculus
Input for OpenVR controllers
Mobile Device Input
Mobile Keyboard
Adding Random Gameplay Elements
Rotation and Orientation in Unity
Trouble Shooting
Cross-Platform Considerations
Publishing Builds
Editor Features
2D and 3D Mode Settings
Build Settings
Settings Managers
Audio Manager
Editor settings
Input Manager
Network Manager
Physics Manager
Player Settings
Splash Screen
Quality Settings
Graphics Settings
Script Execution Order Settings
Tags and Layers
Time Manager
Network Emulation
Visual Studio C# integration
RenderDoc Integration
Editor Analytics
Check For Updates
IME in Unity
Special folder names
Exporting Packages
Version Control
Version control integration
Perforce Integration
Plastic SCM Integration
Using External Version Control Systems with Unity
Smart Merge
Troubleshooting The Editor
Advanced Development
Profiler overview
Profiler window
CPU Usage Profiler
Rendering Profiler
Memory Profiler
Audio Profiler
Physics Profiler
GPU Profiler
Multi Scene Editing
Loading Resources at Runtime
Plugin Inspector
Managed Plugins
Native Plugins
Building Plugins for Desktop Platforms
Low-level Native Plugin Interface
AssetBundle Workflow
Preparing Assets for AssetBundles
Building AssetBundles
AssetBundle Dependencies
Using AssetBundles Natively
AssetBundle Manager
Patching with AssetBundles
Unity Asset Bundle Browser tool
Reducing the file size of your build
Social API
JSON Serialization
Streaming Assets
Advanced Editor Topics
Build Player Pipeline
Command line arguments
Behind the Scenes
Text-Based Scene Files
Description of the Format
An Example of a YAML Scene File
YAML Class ID Reference
Cache Server
Modifying Source Assets Through Scripting
Extending the Editor
Editor Windows
Property Drawers
Custom Editors
Running Editor Script Code on Launch
Licenses and Activation
Online Activation
Offline / Manual Activation
Managing your License
Activation FAQ
Upgrade Guides
Using the Automatic API Updater
Upgrading to Unity 5.6
Upgrading to Unity 5.5
Upgrading to Unity 5.4
5.4 Networking API Changes
Upgrading to Unity 5.3
Upgrading to Unity 5.2
Upgrading to Unity 5.0
AI in Unity 5.0
Animation in Unity 5.0
Audio in Unity 5.0
Baked Data in Unity 5.0
Plugins in Unity 5.0
Physics in Unity 5.0
Shaders in Unity 5.0
Other Upgrade Notes for Unity 5.0
Upgrading to Unity 4.0
Upgrading to Unity 3.5
Gameplay in 2D
Sprite Creator
Sprite Editor
Sprite Editor: Edit Outline
Sprite Packer
Sorting Group
9-slicing Sprites
Physics Reference 2D
Physics 2D Settings
Rigidbody 2D
Collider 2D
Circle Collider 2D
Box Collider 2D
Polygon Collider 2D
Edge Collider 2D
Capsule Collider 2D
Composite Collider 2D
Physics Material 2D
2D Joints
Distance Joint 2D
Fixed Joint 2D
Friction Joint 2D
Hinge Joint 2D
Relative Joint 2D
Slider Joint 2D
Spring Joint 2D
Target Joint 2D
Wheel Joint 2D
Constant Force 2D
Effectors 2D
Area Effector 2D
Buoyancy Effector 2D
Point Effector 2D
Platform Effector 2D
Surface Effector 2D
Graphics Overview
Lighting overview
Lighting Window
Light Explorer
Light sources
Types of light
The Light Inspector
Using Lights
Directional light shadows
Lighting Modes
Lighting: Technical information and terminology
Real-time lighting
Mixed lighting
Baked Indirect mode
Distance Shadowmask mode
Shadowmask mode
Subtractive mode
Baked lighting
Global Illumination
Using precomputed lighting
Baked ambient occlusion
LOD for baked lightmaps
Light Probes
Light Probes: Technical information
Placing Light Probes
Placing probes using scripting
Light Probes for moving objects
Light Probes and the Mesh Renderer
Light Probe Proxy Volume component
Lightmap Directional Modes
GI Visualizations in the Scene view
Lightmap Parameters
Lightmap Directional Modes
Lighting Data Asset
Material properties and the GI system
Global Illumination UVs
Importing UVs from Maya to Unity
GI cache
Light troubleshooting and performance
Related topics
Linear rendering overview
Linear or gamma workflow
Gamma Textures with linear rendering
Working with linear Textures
Using more than one camera
Camera Tricks
Understanding the View Frustum
The Size of the Frustum at a Given Distance from the Camera
Dolly Zoom (AKA the "Trombone" Effect)
Rays from the Camera
Using an Oblique Frustum
Creating an Impression of Large or Small Size
Occlusion Culling
Materials, Shaders & Textures
Creating and Using Materials
Standard Shader
Content and Context
Metallic vs Specular Workflow
Material parameters
Rendering Mode
Albedo Color and Transparency
Specular mode: Specular parameter
Metallic mode: Metallic Parameter
Normal map (Bump mapping)
Occlusion Map
Secondary Maps (Detail Maps) & Detail Mask
The Fresnel Effect
Material charts
Make your own
Accessing and Modifying Material parameters via script
Writing Shaders
Legacy Shaders
Usage and Performance of Built-in Shaders
Normal Shader Family
Bumped Diffuse
Bumped Specular
Parallax Diffuse
Parallax Bumped Specular
Diffuse Detail
Transparent Shader Family
Transparent Vertex-Lit
Transparent Diffuse
Transparent Specular
Transparent Bumped Diffuse
Transparent Bumped Specular
Transparent Parallax Diffuse
Transparent Parallax Specular
Transparent Cutout Shader Family
Transparent Cutout Vertex-Lit
Transparent Cutout Diffuse
Transparent Cutout Specular
Transparent Cutout Bumped Diffuse
Transparent Cutout Bumped Specular
Self-Illuminated Shader Family
Self-Illuminated Vertex-Lit
Self-Illuminated Diffuse
Self-Illuminated Specular
Self-Illuminated Normal mapped Diffuse
Self-Illuminated Normal mapped Specular
Self-Illuminated Parallax Diffuse
Self-Illuminated Parallax Specular
Reflective Shader Family
Reflective Vertex-Lit
Reflective Diffuse
Reflective Specular
Reflective Bumped Diffuse
Reflective Bumped Specular
Reflective Parallax Diffuse
Reflective Parallax Specular
Reflective Normal Mapped Unlit
Reflective Normal mapped Vertex-lit
Video overview
Video sources
Terrain Engine
Creating and editing Terrains
Height Tools
Terrain Textures
Grass and Other Details
Wind Zones
Terrain settings
Tree Editor
Building Your First Tree
Tree Basics
Branch Group Properties
Leaf Group Properties
Tree - Wind Zones
Particle Systems
What is a Particle System?
Using Particle Systems in Unity
Particle System How-Tos
A Simple Explosion
Exhaust Smoke from a Vehicle
Particle System vertex streams and Standard Shader support
Post-processing overview
Post-processing stack
Setting up the post-processing stack
Ambient Occlusion
Screen Space Reflection
Depth of Field
Motion Blur
Eye Adaptation
Color Grading
User LUT
Chromatic Aberration
Debug Views
Writing post-processing effects
Reflection probes
Types of Reflection Probe
Using Reflection Probes
Advanced Reflection Probe Features
Reflection probe performance and optimisation
Cluster Rendering
Deploying a Unity Cluster
Input for Cluster Rendering
Advanced Rendering Features
High Dynamic Range Rendering
HDR color picker
Rendering Paths
Level of Detail (LOD)
DirectX 11 and OpenGL Core
OpenGL Core Details
Compute shaders
Graphics Command Buffers
GPU instancing
Sparse Textures
Graphics hardware capabilities and emulation
CullingGroup API
Asynchronous Texture Upload
Procedural Materials
Procedural Materials - Memory Usage and Caching Behaviour
Procedural Mesh Geometry
Anatomy of a Mesh
Using the Mesh Class
Example - Creating a Quad
Optimizing graphics performance
Draw call batching
Modeling characters for optimal performance
Rendering Statistics Window
Frame Debugger
Optimizing Shader Load Time
Layer-based collision detection
Graphics Reference
Cameras Reference
Flare Layer
GUI Layer (Legacy)
Shader Reference
Writing Surface Shaders
Surface Shader examples
Custom Lighting models in Surface Shaders
Surface Shader lighting examples
Surface Shaders with DX11 / OpenGL Core Tessellation
Writing vertex and fragment shaders
Vertex and fragment shader examples
Shader semantics
Accessing shader properties in Cg/HLSL
Providing vertex data to vertex programs
Built-in shader include files
Predefined Shader preprocessor macros
Built-in shader helper functions
Built-in shader variables
Making multiple shader program variants
GLSL Shader programs
Shading Language used in Unity
Shader Compilation Target Levels
Shader data types and precision
ShaderLab Syntax
ShaderLab: Properties
ShaderLab: SubShader
ShaderLab: Pass
ShaderLab: Culling & Depth Testing
ShaderLab: Blending
ShaderLab: Pass Tags
ShaderLab: Stencil
ShaderLab: Name
ShaderLab: Legacy Lighting
ShaderLab: Legacy Texture Combiners
ShaderLab: Legacy Alpha Testing
ShaderLab: Legacy Fog
ShaderLab: Legacy BindChannels
ShaderLab: UsePass
ShaderLab: GrabPass
ShaderLab: SubShader Tags
ShaderLab: Fallback
ShaderLab: CustomEditor
ShaderLab: other commands
Shader assets
Advanced ShaderLab topics
Unity's Rendering Pipeline
Performance tips when writing shaders
Rendering with Replaced Shaders
Custom Shader GUI
Using Depth Textures
Camera's Depth Texture
Platform-specific rendering differences
Shader Level of Detail
Texture arrays
Debugging DirectX 11 shaders with Visual Studio
Implementing Fixed Function TexGen in Shaders
Particle Systems reference
Particle System
Particle System modules
Particle System Main module
Emission module
Shape module
Velocity Over Lifetime module
Noise module
Limit Velocity Over Lifetime module
Inherit Velocity module
Force Over Lifetime module
Color Over Lifetime module
Color By Speed module
Size over Lifetime module
Size by Speed module
Rotation Over Lifetime module
Rotation By Speed module
External Forces module
Collision module
Triggers module
Sub Emitters module
Texture Sheet Animation module
Lights module
Trails module
Custom Data module
Renderer module
Particle Systems (Legacy, prior to release 3.5)
Ellipsoid Particle Emitter (Legacy)
Mesh Particle Emitter (Legacy)
Particle Animator (Legacy)
Particle Renderer (Legacy)
World Particle Collider (Legacy)
Visual Effects Reference
Lens Flare
Line Renderer
Trail Renderer
Billboard Renderer
Billboard Asset
Mesh Components
Mesh Filter
Mesh Renderer
Skinned Mesh Renderer [DRAFT]
Text Mesh
Text Asset
Texture Components
Importing Textures
Texture Types
Texture compression formats for platform-specific overrides
Procedural Material Assets
Render Texture
Movie Texture
3D Textures
Texture arrays
Rendering Components
Occlusion Area
Occlusion Portals
Reflection Probe
LOD Group
Rendering Pipeline Details
Deferred shading rendering path
Forward Rendering Path Details
Legacy Deferred Lighting Rendering Path
Vertex Lit Rendering Path Details
Hardware Requirements for Unity's Graphics Features
Sprite Renderer
Graphics HOWTOs
How do I Import Alpha Textures?
How do I Make a Skybox?
How do I make a Mesh Particle Emitter? (Legacy Particle System)
How do I make a Spot Light Cookie?
How do I fix the rotation of an imported model?
Water in Unity
Art Asset best practice guide
How do I import models from my 3D app?
FBX export guide
Importing Objects From Maya
Importing Objects From Cinema 4D
Importing Objects From 3D Studio Max
Importing Objects From Cheetah3D
Importing Objects From Modo
Importing Objects From Lightwave
Importing Objects From Blender
Importing Objects From SketchUp
How to do Stereoscopic Rendering
Graphics Tutorials
Shaders: ShaderLab and fixed function shaders
Shaders: vertex and fragment programs
Physics Overview
Rigidbody overview
Character Controllers
Physics Debug Visualization
3D Physics Reference
Box Collider
Capsule Collider
Character Controller
Character Joint
Configurable Joint
Constant Force
Fixed Joint
Hinge Joint
Mesh Collider
Sphere Collider
Spring Joint
Wheel Collider
Terrain Collider
Physic Material
Physics HOWTOs
Ragdoll Wizard
Joint and Ragdoll stability
WheelCollider Tutorial
Scripting Overview
Creating and Using Scripts
Variables and the Inspector
Controlling GameObjects Using Components
Event Functions
Time and Framerate Management
Creating and Destroying GameObjects
Execution Order of Event Functions
Understanding Automatic Memory Management
Platform dependent compilation
Special folders and script compilation order
Generic Functions
Scripting restrictions
Script Serialization
Built-in serialization
Custom serialization
Script serialization errors
What is a Null Reference Exception?
Important Classes
Vector Cookbook
Understanding Vector Arithmetic
Direction and Distance from One Object to Another
Computing a Normal/Perpendicular vector
The Amount of One Vector's Magnitude that Lies in Another Vector's Direction
Scripting Tools
Console Window
Attaching MonoDevelop Debugger To An Android Device
Log Files
Unity Test Runner
Building a project using IL2CPP
Compiler options
Windows Runtime support
How IL2CPP works
Optimizing IL2CPP build times
Managed bytecode stripping with IL2CPP
Event System
Messaging System
Input Modules
Supported Events
Event System Reference
Event System Manager
Graphic Raycaster
Physics Raycaster
Physics 2D Raycaster
Standalone Input Module
Touch Input Module
Event Trigger
Multiplayer and Networking
Networking Overview
The High Level API
Network System Concepts
Setting up a Multiplayer Project from Scratch
Using the Network Manager
Object Spawning
Custom Spawn Functions
State Synchronization
Remote Actions
Player Objects
Object Visibility
Network Manager callbacks
NetworkBehaviour callbacks
Network Messages
Local Discovery
Scene Objects
Converting a single-player game to Unity Multiplayer
Multiplayer Lobby
Network Clients and Servers
Host Migration
Using the Transport Layer API
Setting up Unity Multiplayer
Integrating the Multiplayer Service
Integration using the HUD
Integration using Unity's High-Level API
Integration using NetworkTransport
Common Errors
Networking Tips for Mobile devices.
Common operations: using the HLAPI
Retrieving text or binary data from an HTTP Server (GET)
Retrieving a Texture from an HTTP Server (GET)
Downloading an AssetBundle from an HTTP server (GET)
Sending a form to an HTTP server (POST)
Uploading raw data to an HTTP server (PUT)
Advanced operations: Using the LLAPI
Creating UnityWebRequests
Creating UploadHandlers
Creating DownloadHandlers
Networking Reference
Network Lobby Manager
Network Lobby Player
Network Manager HUD
Network Proximity Checker
Audio Overview
Audio files
Tracker Modules
Audio Mixer
An overview of the concepts and AudioMixer
Specifics on the AudioMixer window
AudioGroup Inspector
Overview of Usage and API
Native Audio Plugin SDK
Audio Spatializer SDK
Audio Profiler
Audio Reference
Audio Clip
Audio Listener
Audio Source
Audio Mixer
Audio Filters
Audio Low Pass Filter
Audio High Pass Filter
Audio Echo Filter
Audio Distortion Filter
Audio Reverb Filter
Audio Chorus Filter
Audio Effects
Audio Low Pass Effect
Audio High Pass Effect
Audio Echo Effect
Audio Flange Effect
Audio Distortion Effect
Audio Normalize Effect
Audio Parametric Equalizer Effect
Audio Pitch Shifter Effect
Audio Chorus Effect
Audio Compressor Effect
Audio SFX Reverb Effect
Audio Low Pass Simple Effect
Audio Delay Effect
Audio High Pass Simple Effect
Reverb Zones
Audio Settings
Animation System Overview
Animation Clips
Animation from external sources
Working with humanoid animations
Creating the Avatar
Configuring the Avatar
Muscle setup
Asset Preparation and Import
Using Humanoid Characters
Preparing your own character
Non-humanoid Animations
Splitting Animations
Looping animation clips
Masking Imported Clips
Animation Curves on Imported Clips
Animation events on imported clips
Selecting a Root Motion Node
Euler Curve Import
Animation Window Guide
Using the Animation view
Creating a New Animation Clip
Animating a Game Object
Using Animation Curves
Editing Curves
Key manipulation in Dopesheet mode
Key manipulation in Curves mode
Objects with Multiple Moving Parts
Using Animation Events
Animator Controllers
The Animator Controller Asset
The Animator Window
Animation State Machines
State Machine Basics
Animation Parameters
State Machine Transitions
State Machine Behaviours
Sub-State Machines
Animation Layers
Solo and Mute functionality
Target Matching
Inverse Kinematics
Root Motion - how it works
Tutorial: Scripting Root Motion for "in-place" humanoid animations
Blend Trees
1D Blending
2D Blending
Direct Blending
Additional Blend Tree Options
Animation Blend Shapes
Animator Override Controllers
Retargeting of Humanoid animations
Performance and Optimization
Animation Reference
Animation Clip
Animator Component
Animator Controller
Creating an AnimatorController
Animation States
Animation transitions
Avatar Mask
Human Template files
Importing models
FBX Importer, Rig options
FBX Importer - Animations Tab
3D formats
Animation HOWTOs
Animation FAQ
Using Blender and Rigify
A Glossary of animation terms
Basic Layout
Visual Components
Interaction Components
Animation Integration
Auto Layout
Rich Text
UI Reference
Rect Transform
Canvas Components
Canvas Scaler
Canvas Group
Canvas Renderer
Visual Components
Raw Image
UI Effect Components
Position as UV1
Interaction Components
Selectable Base Class
Transition Options
Navigation Options
Toggle Group
Input Field
Scroll Rect
Auto Layout
Layout Element
Content Size Fitter
Aspect Ratio Fitter
Horizontal Layout Group
Vertical Layout Group
Grid Layout Group
UI How Tos
Designing UI for Multiple Resolutions
Making UI elements fit the size of their content
Creating a World Space UI
Creating UI elements from scripting
Creating Screen Transitions
Immediate Mode GUI (IMGUI)
IMGUI Basics
IMGUI Layout Modes
Extending IMGUI
GUI Skin (IMGUI System)
GUI Style (IMGUI System)
Navigation and Pathfinding
Navigation Overview
Navigation System in Unity
Inner Workings of the Navigation System
Building a NavMesh
NavMesh building components
NavMesh Surface
NavMesh Modifier
NavMesh Modifier Volume
NavMesh Link
NavMesh building components API
Advanced NavMesh Bake Settings
Creating a NavMesh Agent
Creating a NavMesh Obstacle
Creating an Off-mesh Link
Building Off-Mesh Links Automatically
Building Height Mesh for Accurate Character Placement
Navigation Areas and Costs
Loading Multiple NavMeshes using Additive Loading
Using NavMesh Agent with Other Components
Navigation Reference
NavMesh Agent
Nav Mesh Obstacle
Off-Mesh Link
Navigation How-Tos
Telling a NavMeshAgent to Move to a Destination
Moving an Agent to a Position Clicked by the Mouse
Making an Agent Patrol Between a Set of Points
Coupling Animation and Navigation
Unity Services
Setting up your project for Unity Services
Unity Ads
How to use Unity Ads
Best practices on rewarded ads
Important links
Unity Analytics
Setting Up Analytics
Custom Events
Analytics Tracker Component
Custom Event Scripting
Receipt Verification
User Attributes
Unity Analytics Raw Data Export
Data reset
Upgrading Unity Analytics
Upgrade Unity Analytics 4.x-5.1 (SDK) to 5.2 onwards
Upgrade Unity Analytics 5.1 to 5.2 onwards
Unity Analytics Re-integrate SDK to 5.1
What to Do if Project IDs Don't Match
Unity Cloud Build
Continuous integration
Supported platforms
Supported versions of Unity
Version control systems
Using Git with Unity Cloud Build
Using GitHub with Unity Cloud Build
Using Bitbucket with Unity Cloud Build
Using Mercurial with Unity Cloud Build
Using Apache Subversion (SVN) with Unity Cloud Build
Using Perforce with Unity Cloud Build
Building for iOS
Advanced options
Development builds
Pre- and post-export methods
Xcode frameworks
Custom scripting #define directives
Including specific Scenes
Build manifest
Build manifest as JSON
Build manifest as ScriptableObject
Cloud Build REST API
Unity IAP
Setting up Unity IAP
Configuring for Apple App Store and Mac App Store
Configuring for Google Play Store
Configuring for Windows Store
Configuration for the Amazon Appstore and Amazon Underground stores
Samsung Galaxy IAP configuration
Configuring for Tizen Store
Configuring for CloudMoolah MOO Store
Cross Platform Guide
Codeless IAP
Defining products
Browsing Product Metadata
Initiating Purchases
Processing Purchases
Handling purchase failures
Restoring Transactions
Purchase Receipts
Receipt validation
Store Extensions
Cross-store installation issues with Android in-app purchase stores
Store Guides
iOS & Mac App Stores
Windows Store
Google Play
Amazon Appstore and Amazon Underground Store
Samsung Galaxy apps
Tizen Store
CloudMoolah MOO store
Implementing a Store
Retrieving products
Handling purchases
Store Modules
Registering your store
Store Configuration
Store Extensions
Unity Collaborate
Setting up Unity Collaborate
Adding teammates to Collaborate
Viewing history
Enabling Cloud Build with Collaborate
Upgrading with Unity Collaborate
Reverting files
Resolving file conflicts
Ignore files
Partial Publish
Collaborate troubleshooting tips
Unity Performance Reporting
Setting up Performance Reporting
Understanding exception reports
Multiplayer Services
Virtual Reality
VR overview
VR reference
VR devices
Google VR
Single-Pass Stereo rendering
Single-Pass Stereo Rendering for HoloLens
VR Audio Spatializers
Open-source repositories
How to contribute to Unity
Step 1: Get a Bitbucket account
Step 2: Fork the repository you want to contribute to
Step 3: Clone your fork
Step 4: Apply modifications to your fork
Step 5: Open a pull request on Bitbucket
Step 6: Wait for feedback
Further Reading
Asset Store Publishing
Adding Keywords to Assets
Asset Store Publisher Administration
Asset Store FAQ
Asset Store Publishing Guide
Asset Store Manual
Publisher Admin Section Overview
Setting up Google Analytics
Viewing the status of your Asset Store submissions
Refunding your customers
Removing your Assets from the Asset Store
Providing support
Asset Store promotions
Standalone Player Settings
Apple Mac
Delivering your application to the Mac App Store
WebGL Player Settings
Getting started with WebGL development
WebGL Browser Compatibility
Building and running a WebGL project
WebGL: Deploying compressed builds
Debugging and trouble shooting WebGL builds
WebGL Graphics
WebGL Networking
Using Audio In WebGL
WebGL performance considerations
Memory Considerations when targeting WebGL
WebGL: Interacting with browser scripting
Using WebGL Templates
Cursor locking and full-screen mode in WebGL
Input in WebGL
Building games for Apple TV
Getting started with iOS development
Unity iOS Basics
iOS account setup
Inside the iOS build process
Structure of a Unity XCode Project
Customizing an iOS Splash Screen
iOS Hardware Guide
iOS Player Settings
iOS 2D Texture Overrides
Upgrading to 64 bit iOS
iOS Advanced Topics
Unity Remote
iOS Scripting
iOS Game Controller support
Advanced Unity Mobile Scripting
Optimizing Performance in iOS.
iOS Specific Optimizations
Measuring Performance with the Built-in Profiler
Optimizing the size of the built iOS player
Optimizing Physics Performance
Building Plugins for iOS
Preparing your application for "In App Purchases"
Customising WWW Requests on iOS
App thinning
Features currently not supported by Unity iOS
Troubleshooting on iOS devices
Reporting crash bugs on iOS
Getting started with Android development
Android SDK/NDK setup
Unity Remote
Android Remote (DEPRECATED)
Troubleshooting Android development
Inside the Android build process
Reporting crash bugs under Android
Support for APK expansion files (OBB)
Android Scripting
Advanced Unity mobile scripting
Building and using plug-ins for Android
AAR plug-ins and Android Libraries
JAR plug-ins
Extending the UnityPlayerActivity Java Code
Native (C++) plug-ins for Android
Customizing an Android Splash Screen
Single-Pass Stereo Rendering for Android
Android Player Settings
Android 2D Textures Overrides
Gradle for Android
Gradle troubleshooting
Android Manifest
Getting started with Facebook development
Facebook Player Settings
Samsung TV
Getting started with Samsung TV development
Samsung TV Setup
Samsung TV Input
Samsung TV Debugging
SamsungTV Restrictions
Samsung TV Not Supported
Security Sandbox
Getting Started with Tizen Development
Setting up to build a Tizen device
Tizen FAQ
Tizen Player Settings
Features currently not supported by Unity Tizen
Building Plugins for Tizen
Tizen Emulator
Windows General
Windows Debugging
Windows Store Apps
Getting Started
Windows Store Apps: Deployment
Windows Store Apps: Profiler
Windows Store Apps: Command line arguments
Windows Store Apps: Association launching
AppCallbacks class
Windows Store Apps: WinRT API in C# scripts
WSA Player Settings
Windows Store: Windows SDKs
Windows Phone 8.1
Windows Phone 8.1: Debugging
Windows 8.1 Universal Applications
Universal Windows 10 Applications: Getting Started
Scripting Backends
Windows Store: .NET Scripting Backend
Windows Store Apps: Generated project with .NET scripting backend
Windows Store Apps: Missing .NET Types on .NET Scripting Backend
Windows Store Apps: Plugins on .NET Scripting Backend
Windows Store Apps: Debugging on .NET Scripting Backend
Windows Store: IL2CPP scripting back end
Windows Store: Generated project with IL2CPP scripting backend
Windows Store: Plugins on IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Windows Store Apps: Debugging on IL2CPP Scripting Backend
Windows Store Apps: Examples
Windows Store Apps: Code snippets
Known issues
Windows Holographic
Getting started
Running your first application
Input types
Focus Point
Anchor Sharing
Spatial Mapping
Spatial mapping concepts
Spatial Mapping basic low level API usage
Spatial Mapping best practices
Spatial Mapping components
Web Camera
Photo capture
Video capture
Holographic Emulation
Web Player
Mobile Developer Checklist
Practical guide to optimization for mobiles
Graphics Methods
Scripting and Gameplay Methods
Rendering Optimizations
Optimizing Scripts
Progressive Lightmapper
Look Dev
The Look Dev view
Control panel
Settings menu
Views menu
HDRI environments in Look Dev
The HDRI view
HDRI menus
Environment Shadow
Scriptable render pipeline
Legacy Topics
Asset Server (Team License)
Setting up the Asset Server
Legacy Network Reference Guide
High Level Networking Concepts (Legacy)
Networking Elements in Unity (Legacy)
Network Views (Legacy)
Network View
RPC Details (Legacy)
State Synchronization Details (Legacy)
Network Instantiate (Legacy)
Network Level Loading (Legacy)
Master Server (Legacy)
Building the Unity Networking Servers on your own (Legacy)
Minimizing Network Bandwidth (Legacy)
Legacy Asset Bundles
Creating Asset Bundles in Unity 4
Managing Asset Dependencies in Unity 4
Legacy Animation System
Animation Scripting (Legacy)
Legacy GUI
GUI Text (Legacy UI Component)
GUI Texture (Legacy UI Component)
Legacy Unity Analytics (SDK Workflow)
Basic Integration (SDK)
Import SDK
Create Game Script
Attach Game Script
Play To Validate
Advanced Integration (SDK)
Custom Events
Receipt Verification
User Attributes
Unity Remote
Unity Remote 3 (DEPRECATED)
Best practice guides
Understanding optimization in Unity
Asset auditing
Understanding the managed heap
Strings and text
The Resources folder
General Optimizations
Special optimizations
Expert guides
Unity Manual
Other Versions
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