Legacy Documentation: Version 5.4
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GetSpectrumData returning a float[] is deprecated, use GetOutputData and pass a pre allocated array instead.


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public static void GetSpectrumData(float[] samples, int channel, FFTWindow window);


samples The array to populate with audio samples. Its length must be a power of 2.
channel The channel to sample from.
window The FFTWindow type to use when sampling.


Provides a block of the listener (master)'s spectrum data.

The array given in the samples parameter will be filled with the requested data.

Number of values (the length of the samples array) must be a power of 2. (ie 128/256/512 etc). Min = 64. Max = 8192. Use window to reduce leakage between frequency bins/bands. Note, the more complex window type, the better the quality, but reduced speed.

This function will use the sampling rate specified in AudioSettings.outputSampleRate, and NOT the sampling rate specified for the audio clip.

See Also: AudioListener.GetOutputData, AudioSource.GetSpectrumData, AudioSource.GetOutputData.

using UnityEngine;

[RequireComponent (typeof(AudioListener))] public class GetSpectrumDataExample : MonoBehaviour { void Update( ) { float[] spectrum = new float[256];

AudioListener.GetSpectrumData( spectrum, 0, FFTWindow.Rectangular );

for( int i = 1; i < spectrum.Length-1; i++ ) { Debug.DrawLine( new Vector3( i - 1, spectrum[i] + 10, 0 ), new Vector3( i, spectrum[i + 1] + 10, 0 ), Color.red ); Debug.DrawLine( new Vector3( i - 1, Mathf.Log( spectrum[i - 1] ) + 10, 2 ), new Vector3( i, Mathf.Log( spectrum[i] ) + 10, 2 ), Color.cyan ); Debug.DrawLine( new Vector3( Mathf.Log( i - 1 ), spectrum[i - 1] - 10, 1 ), new Vector3( Mathf.Log( i ), spectrum[i] - 10, 1 ), Color.green ); Debug.DrawLine( new Vector3( Mathf.Log( i - 1 ), Mathf.Log( spectrum[i - 1] ), 3 ), new Vector3( Mathf.Log( i ), Mathf.Log( spectrum[i] ), 3 ), Color.blue ); } } }

public static float[] GetSpectrumData(int numSamples, int channel, FFTWindow window);


numSamples Number of values (the length of the samples array). Must be a power of 2. Min = 64. Max = 8192.
channel The channel to sample from.
window The FFTWindow type to use when sampling.


Deprecated Version. Returns a block of the listener (master)'s spectrum data.

This variation of the function allocates a new array each time it is called. Use the Non-alloc version instead for better performance.