Legacy Documentation: Version 5.3
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public function Emit(): void;
public void Emit();


Emit a number of particles.

Makes the emitter spit out a random number of particles, as set by the minEmission and maxEmission properties.

public function Emit(count: int): void;
public void Emit(int count);



Emit count particles immediately.

public function Emit(pos: Vector3, velocity: Vector3, size: float, energy: float, color: Color): void;
public void Emit(Vector3 pos, Vector3 velocity, float size, float energy, Color color);


pos The position of the particle.
velocity The velocity of the particle.
size The size of the particle.
energy The remaining lifetime of the particle.
color The color of the particle.


Emit a single particle with given parameters.

var emitter: ParticleEmitter;

function Start() { emitter = GetComponent.<ParticleEmitter>(); // Emit one particle at the origin, shooting straight up. // The size of the particle is 0.2 and it will live 2 seconds long. emitter.Emit(Vector3.zero, Vector3.up, 0.2, 2, Color.yellow); }

public function Emit(pos: Vector3, velocity: Vector3, size: float, energy: float, color: Color, rotation: float, angularVelocity: float): void;
public void Emit(Vector3 pos, Vector3 velocity, float size, float energy, Color color, float rotation, float angularVelocity);


rotation The initial rotation of the particle in degrees.
angularVelocity The angular velocity of the particle in degrees per second.
