Legacy Documentation: Version 5.2
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Static Variables

applicationParameter1User-defined parameter 1.
applicationParameter2User-defined parameter 2.
applicationParameter3User-defined parameter 3.
applicationParameter4User-defined parameter 4.
appTypePS4 package application type.
appVersionThe PS4 application version.
attrib3DSupportEnables .SFO attribute 3DSupport.
attribMoveSupportEnables .SFO attribute MoveSupport.
attribShareSupportEnables .SFO attribute ShareSupport.
attribUserManagementEnables .SFO attribute UserManagement.
audio3dVirtualSpeakerCountThe number of virtual speakers to mix to for use with the Audio3dOut backend.
BackgroundImagePathBackground image path.
BGMPathPath the background music used by package.
categoryThe package build category.
contentIDThe applications content ID.
downloadDataSizeHDD Size to allocate for downloadData. (Kb)
enterButtonAssignmentChoice of controller button to be used as enter.
garlicHeapSizeInitial heap size for Garlic (GPU) memory.
includedModulesList of paths to include SDK modules.
masterVersionPS4 content master version.
monoEnvPS4 Mono and .NET runtime environment variables.
npAgeRatingPSN Age rating.
NPtitleDatPathPath to nptitle.dat.
npTitleSecretPS4 TitleSecret value.
npTrophyPackPathPath specifying where to copy a trophy pack from.
paramSfxPathPath specifying where to copy the package parameter file (param.sfx) from.
parentalLevelPS4 parental level.
passcodePackage passcode.
playerPrefsSupportEnables PlayerPrefs support using PS4 SDK SaveDataMemory system.
pnFriendsPS4 NPToolkit friends push notifications.
pnGameCustomDataPS4 NPToolkit game custom data push notifications.
pnPresencePS4 NPToolkit presence push notifications.
pnSessionsPS4 NPToolkit sessions push notifications.
PrivacyGuardImagePathPath to image used on share screen to mask parts of the display.
PronunciationSIGPathPath to pronunciation.sig file.
PronunciationXMLPathPath to pronunciation.xml file.
remotePlayKeyAssignmentRemote Play key assignment.
remotePlayKeyMappingDirRemote Play key mapping images folder.
reprojectionSupportIf we should use reprojection when running in VR mode with Project Morpheus.
SaveDataImagePathSave Data Image path.
SdkOverrideFolder containing PS4 SDK.
ShareFilePathPath to the share parameter file, as generated by the share file editor.
ShareOverlayImagePathPath to file used for share screen overlay.
StartupImagePathStartup Image path.
useAudio3dBackendTrue to use the Sony Audio3dOut backend libs otherwise it will use the default AudioOut backend.
videoOutPixelFormatPS4 video output format.
videoOutResolutionPS4 video output resolution.