hexString | Hexadecimal string to be converted into a color. |
color | The converted color. |
bool Returns true if the operation was successful.
Converts a hexadecimal string into a color.
String can be in one of the following formats:
#RGB (becomes RRGGBB)
#RGBA (becomes RRGGBBAA)
The '#' is optional.
Strings that are too short will be padded where rgb colors will be padded with 0 and alpha will be given full opacity(255). For example 'F' would become 'F00000FF' or 'AABBC' would become 'AABBC0FF'.
The following example creates a custom PropertyDrawer that allows the user to input hex codes for colors. This property drawer can be shown in the inspector when a color property has the attribute ColorHexPropertyAttribute.
our custom property drawer.
#pragma strict // This is not an editor script. public class ColorHexPropertyAttribute extends PropertyAttribute { }
// This is not an editor script. using UnityEngine;
public class ColorHexPropertyAttribute : PropertyAttribute { }
#pragma strict // This is an editor script and should be placed in an 'Editor' directory. @CustomPropertyDrawer(ColorHexPropertyAttribute) public class ColorHexPropertyDrawer extends PropertyDrawer { public override function OnGUI(position: Rect, property: SerializedProperty, label: GUIContent) { var hexField: Rect = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width - 100, position.height); var colorField: Rect = new Rect(position.x + hexField.width, position.y, position.width - hexField.width, position.height); var hexValue: String = EditorGUI.TextField(hexField, label, "#" + property.colorValue.ToHexStringRGBA()); var newCol: Color; if (Color.TryParseHexString(hexValue, newCol)) property.colorValue = newCol; property.colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(colorField, property.colorValue); } }
// This is an editor script and should be placed in an 'Editor' directory. using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
[CustomPropertyDrawer(typeof(ColorHexPropertyAttribute))] public class ColorHexPropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer { public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { Rect hexField = new Rect(position.x, position.y, position.width - 100, position.height); Rect colorField = new Rect(position.x + hexField.width, position.y, position.width - hexField.width, position.height);
string hexValue = EditorGUI.TextField(hexField, label, "#" + property.colorValue.ToHexStringRGBA());
Color newCol; if (Color.TryParseHexString(hexValue, out newCol)) property.colorValue = newCol;
property.colorValue = EditorGUI.ColorField(colorField, property.colorValue); } }
#pragma strict // This shows how we would use the PropertyDrawer. public class Example extends MonoBehaviour { @ColorHexProperty public var colorWithHex: Color = Color.green; public var colorWithoutHex: Color = Color.green; }
// This shows how we would use the PropertyDrawer. using UnityEngine;
public class Example : MonoBehaviour { [ColorHexProperty] public Color colorWithHex = Color.green;
public Color colorWithoutHex = Color.green; }