type | The class type of the component that is animated. |
propertyName | The name or path to the property being animated. |
curve | The animation curve. |
relativePath | Path to the game object this curve applies to. relativePath is formatted similar to a pathname, e.g. "rootrelativePath leftArm".
If relativePath is empty it refers to the game object the animation clip is attached to. |
Assigns the curve to animate a specific property.
If curve
is null the curve will be removed. If a curve already exists
for that property, it will be replaced.
, "localPosition.y"
, "localPosition.z"
, "localRotation.y"
, "localRotation.z"
, "localRotation.w"
, "localScale.y"
, "localScale.z"
// Animates the x coordinate of a transform position function Start () { // Create the curve var curve : AnimationCurve = AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 1, 2, 3); // Create the clip with the curve var clip : AnimationClip = new AnimationClip(); clip.SetCurve("", Transform, "localPosition.x", curve); // Add and play the clip animation.AddClip(clip, "test"); animation.Play("test"); } @script RequireComponent(Animation)
Material properties can be animated using the property name exported in the shader.
Common property names are: "_MainTex"
, "_BumpMap"
, "_Color"
, "_SpecColor"
, "_Emission"
How to animate different material property types:
__Vector4 properties:__ "PropertyName.x"
, "PropertyName.y"
, "PropertyName.z"
, "PropertyName.w"
__Color properties:__ "PropertyName.r
", "PropertyName.g"
, "PropertyName.b"
, "PropertyName.a"
UV Rotation properties: "PropertyName.rotation"
UV Offset and scale: "PropertyName.offset.x"
, "PropertyName.offset.y"
, "PropertyName.scale.x"
, "PropertyName.scale.y"
To index into multiple materials on the same renderer you can prefix the attribute like this: "[1]._MainTex.offset.y"
See Also: ClearCurves function, AnimationCurve class.
// Animate color's alpha and main texture's horizontal offset. function Start () { var clip = new AnimationClip (); clip.SetCurve ("", Material, "_Color.a", AnimationCurve (Keyframe(0, 0, 0, 0), Keyframe(1, 1, 0, 0))); clip.SetCurve ("", Material, "_MainTex.offset.x", AnimationCurve.Linear(0, 1, 2, 3)); animation.AddClip (clip, clip.name); animation.Play(clip.name); } @script RequireComponent(Animation)