Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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static function Start(deviceName: string, loop: bool, lengthSec: int, frequency: int): AudioClip;
static AudioClip Start(string deviceName, bool loop, int lengthSec, int frequency);
static def Start(deviceName as string, loop as bool, lengthSec as int, frequency as int) as AudioClip


deviceNameThe name of the device.
loopIndicates whether the recording should continue recording if lengthSec is reached, and wrap around and record from the beginning of the AudioClip.
lengthSecIs the length of the AudioClip produced by the recording.
frequencyThe sample rate of the AudioClip produced by the recording.


AudioClip The function returns null if the recording fails to start.


Start Recording with device.

If you pass a null or empty string for the device name then the default microphone will be used. You can get a list of available microphone devices from the devices property. You can find the range of sample rates supported by a microphone using the GetDeviceCaps property.

Note that if you want to use the Microphone class in the web player, you need to get the user's permission to do so. Call Application.RequestUserAuthorization before calling any Microphone methods.

// Start recording with built-in Microphone and play the recorded audio right away
function Start() {
	var aud = GetComponent.<AudioSource>();
	aud.clip = Microphone.Start("Built-in Microphone", true, 10, 44100);
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        AudioSource aud = GetComponent<AudioSource>();
        aud.clip = Microphone.Start("Built-in Microphone", true, 10, 44100);
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class ExampleClass(MonoBehaviour):

	def Start() as void:
		aud as AudioSource = GetComponent[of AudioSource]()
		aud.clip = Microphone.Start('Built-in Microphone', true, 10, 44100)