Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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AttachToCollider(collider: Collider, tearable: bool = false, twoWayInteraction: bool = false): void;
void AttachToCollider(Collider collider, bool tearable = false, bool twoWayInteraction = false);
def AttachToCollider(collider as Collider, tearable as bool = false, twoWayInteraction as bool = false) as void


Attaches a collider to the cloth object.

Only has an effect if some vertices of the cloth are intersecting the collider. These vertices will then become static in their position with respect to the collider. If tearable is true, attachments can tear of, depending on the value of attachmentTearFactor. If twoWayInteraction is true, the cloth will apply forces back to the attached rigidbody, depending on the value of attachmentResponse.

See Also: DetachFromCollider function.

	// Attach this transform's collider to a cloth, make 
	// it tearable and two way interactive on forces.
	// REMEMBER: Only has an effect if some vertices of 
	// the cloth are intersecting the collider

var cloth : InteractiveCloth;

function Start() { if(cloth) cloth.AttachToCollider(transform.collider, true, true); else Debug.LogError("No cloth was assigned in the inspector"); }

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    public InteractiveCloth cloth;
    void Start() {
        if (cloth)
            cloth.AttachToCollider(transform.collider, true, true);
            Debug.LogError("No cloth was assigned in the inspector");
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class ExampleClass(MonoBehaviour):

	public cloth as InteractiveCloth

	def Start() as void:
		if cloth:
			cloth.AttachToCollider(transform.collider, true, true)
			Debug.LogError('No cloth was assigned in the inspector')