Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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Script language

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static function SetBool(key: string, value: bool): void;
static void SetBool(string key, bool value);
static def SetBool(key as string, value as bool) as void


Sets the value of the preference identified by key.

Round rotations/positions and remember the active option.

	// Simple script that lets you round rotations and
	// round your positions of your selected objects.
	// and it remembers which option is being active

class EditorPrefsBool extends EditorWindow {

var showRoundPosition : boolean = true; var showRoundRotation : boolean = true;

@MenuItem("Examples/Round positions-rotations") static function Init() { var window = GetWindow(EditorPrefsBool); window.Show(); } function OnGUI() { showRoundPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("Round Position",showRoundPosition); if(GUILayout.Button("Round Position!")) DoRoundPosition(); EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); showRoundRotation = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup("Round Rotation", showRoundRotation); if(GUILayout.Button("Round Rotation!")) DoRoundRotation(); EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); }

function DoRoundPosition() { for (var t : Transform in Selection.transforms) t.localPosition = Vector3(Mathf.Round(t.localPosition.x), Mathf.Round(t.localPosition.z), Mathf.Round(t.localPosition.y)); } function DoRoundRotation() { for (var t : Transform in Selection.transforms) t.rotation = Quaternion.Euler( Vector3(Mathf.Round(t.eulerAngles.x / 45f) * 45f, Mathf.Round(t.eulerAngles.y / 45f) * 45f, Mathf.Round(t.eulerAngles.z / 45f) * 45f)); } function OnFocus() { if(EditorPrefs.HasKey("ShowRoundPosition")) showRoundPosition = EditorPrefs.GetBool("ShowRoundPosition"); if(EditorPrefs.HasKey("ShowRoundRotation")) showRoundPosition = EditorPrefs.GetBool("ShowRoundRotation"); }

function OnLostFocus() { EditorPrefs.SetBool("ShowRoundPosition", showRoundPosition); EditorPrefs.SetBool("ShowRoundRotation", showRoundRotation); } function OnDestroy() { EditorPrefs.SetBool("ShowRoundPosition", showRoundPosition); EditorPrefs.SetBool("ShowRoundRotation", showRoundRotation); } }