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Is editor currently in play mode?
Setting isPlaying delays the result until after all script code has completed for this frame.
See Also: isPaused, isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode.
// Simple editor Script that lets you save a scene while in play mode. // WARNING: All Undo posibilities are lost after saving the scene.import UnityEditor; @MenuItem("Example/Save Scene while on play mode") static function EditorPlaying() { if(EditorApplication.isPlaying) { var sceneName : String = EditorApplication.currentScene; var path : String [] = sceneName.Split(char.Parse("/")); path[path.Length -1] = "Temp_" + path[path.Length-1]; var tempScene = String.Join("/",path); EditorApplication.SaveScene(tempScene); EditorApplication.isPaused = false; EditorApplication.isPlaying = false; FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(EditorApplication.currentScene); FileUtil.MoveFileOrDirectory(tempScene, sceneName); FileUtil.DeleteFileOrDirectory(tempScene); EditorApplication.OpenScene(sceneName); } }