Legacy Documentation: Version 4.5.0

Script language:

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static var absoluteURL: string;
static string absoluteURL;
static absoluteURL as string


The absolute path to the web player data file (Read Only).

Application.absoluteURL and Application.srcValue allow you to detect if your unityWeb data file was moved to another location or is being linked to. You might want to protect against both to prevent piracy of your data files.

	// This detects if your data files were moved to another server
	// or are being linked to from somewhere else.

function Start () { var isPirated : boolean = false;

if (Application.isWebPlayer) { if (Application.srcValue != "game.unity3d") isPirated = true; if (String.Compare (Application.absoluteURL, "http://www.website.com/Game/game.unity3d", true) != 0) isPirated = true;

if (isPirated) print("Pirated web player"); } }

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class ExampleClass : MonoBehaviour {
    void Start() {
        bool isPirated = false;
        if (Application.isWebPlayer) {
            if (Application.srcValue != "game.unity3d")
                isPirated = true;
            if (String.Compare(Application.absoluteURL, "http://www.website.com/Game/game.unity3d", true) != 0)
                isPirated = true;
            if (isPirated)
                print("Pirated web player");
import UnityEngine
import System.Collections

public class ExampleClass(MonoBehaviour):

	def Start() as void:
		isPirated as bool = false
		if Application.isWebPlayer:
			if Application.srcValue != 'game.unity3d':
				isPirated = true
			if String.Compare(Application.absoluteURL, 'http://www.website.com/Game/game.unity3d', true) != 0:
				isPirated = true
			if isPirated:
				print('Pirated web player')