Windows Phone 8: FAQ

Why am I getting errors like "type `Foo.Bar` doesn't exist in target framework"?

It's because Windows Phone 8 uses a different flavor of .NET called .NET for Windows Phone which is missing some of the types available on other platforms. You'll have to either replace these types with different ones or implement them yourself.

Is there a platform define for Windows Phone 8?

Yes, it's UNITY_WP8.

How do I change screen orientation?

It has to be changed both in Unity Player Settings and Visual Studio MainPage.xaml file.

What are graphic capabilities of Windows Phone 8 devices?

All Windows Phone 8 devices have GPUs that support feature level 9_3 of Microsoft Direct3D 11. Higher or lower feature levels are not available.

Is Windows Phone 7.5 supported?


Page last updated: 2013-07-17