AppCallbacks class

This class is both available in C++ and C# solutions. You could call it a bridge between your main application and Unity engine. Here, we'll try to explain what every call to AppCallbacks exactly does. Let's export XAML C# solution, and explore App.xaml.cs file.

sealed partial class App : Application
	private WinRTBridge.WinRTBridge _bridge;
	private AppCallbacks appCallbacks;
	public App()
		appCallbacks = new AppCallbacks(false);

	protected override void OnLaunched(LaunchActivatedEventArgs args)
		Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
		if (rootFrame == null)
			var mainPage = new MainPage();
			Window.Current.Content = mainPage;

			_bridge = new WinRTBridge.WinRTBridge();





private WinRTBridge.WinRTBridge _bridge;

So first of all, what is WinRTBridge, it's used internally by Unity, to perform some of native-to-managed, managed-to-native operations, it's not intended to be used by developers. Due some WinRT platform restrictions, it cannot be created from Unity engine code, that's why WinRTBridge is being created here and is passed to Unity engine via appCallbacks.SetBridge(_bridge) instead.

appCallbacks = new AppCallbacks(false);

Now, let's take a closer look at AppCallbacks class. When you create it, you specify that your game will run on different thread, for backward compatibility reasons you can also specify that your application can run on UI thread, but that's not recommended, because there's a restriction from Microsoft - if your application won't become responsive after 5 seconds you'll fail to pass WACK (Windows Application Certification), read more here -, imagine if your first level is pretty big, it might take significant amount of time to load it, because your application is running on UI thread, UI will be unresponsive until your level is fully loaded. That's why it's recommend to always run your game on different thread.

Read more on UI thread here -

Note: Code located in App.xaml.cs, MainPage.xaml.cs is always running on UI thread, unless called from InvokeOnAppThread function.


This simply passes a XAML control to Unity which will be used as a render target for DirectX 11.


Sets the core window for Unity, Unity subscribes to the following events (there may be more, depending on when this information was updated) :


This is main initialization function for Unity, it does following things:

At this point, when Unity finishes loading first level, it enters main loop.

Other functions

Page last updated: 2013-07-16